
  • 网络graft copolymerization;Grafting Copolymerization
  1. 以Ce~(4+)氧化还原体系引发的接枝共聚合及淀粉接枝共聚物的絮凝效果的研究

    On Graft Copolymerization Initiated by Ce ~ ( 4 + ) Redox Systems and the Flocculation Effect of Starch-Based Graft Polymers

  2. 研究了An在共单体中的比率对接枝共聚合反应行为及AES的缺口冲击强度的影响。

    The effects of An ratio in co-monomer on graft copolymerization reaction behavior and AES notched impact strength were investigated .

  3. KPS-Na2S2O3引发丙烯酸丁酯与玉米淀粉接枝共聚合反应的研究

    Study on KPS-Na_2S_2O_3 Initiated Graft Copolymerization of Butyl Acrylate onto Corn Starch

  4. MMA与SBS接枝共聚合的链转移常数

    Study on Chain Transfer Constant of Graft Copolymerization of SBS and Methyl Methacrylate

  5. 丙烯酸与CMC接枝共聚合反应及吸水性能的研究

    Studies on the Graft Copolymerization Reaction of Acrylic Acid onto CMC and on Its Water Absorption Performance

  6. 以乙酰丙酮合锰(Ⅲ)为引发剂,研究了淀粉与MMA的接枝共聚合反应。

    With manganese acetylacetonate as initiator the graft copolymerization of methyl methacrylate onto starch was studied .

  7. 在交联单体丙烯酸(AA)存在下,研究了SBS/MMABA四元接枝共聚合及其产物的性能。

    The SBS / MMA-BA quarternary grafting copolymerization in the existence of crosslinking monomer acrylic acid ( AA ) was studied .

  8. 本文主要研究内容为:铜(III)氧化还原引发天然高分子接枝共聚合反应的研究。全文共分为两个部分。

    This paper is mainly about the study on the graft copolymerization of natural macromolecules redox-initiated with super valence trans-metal Cu ( III ) and will be discussed in two sections .

  9. 硝酸铈铵-乙二胺四乙酸引发壳聚糖与MAA和VAc接枝共聚合

    Synthesis of the graft-copolymerization of MAA and VAC on chitosan grafting with cerous ammonium nitric - ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid as an initiator

  10. 研究了乳液接枝共聚合,单体未加入体系前羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)与引发剂过硫酸钾(KPS)的相互作用。

    The interactions between hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ( HPMC ) and potassium persulfate ( KPS ) during the emulsion graft copolymerization process in aqueous system were investigated .

  11. 烯类单体与羊毛纤维接枝共聚合反应的研究(Ⅰ)&V~(5+)-TU(硫脲)氧化还原体系引发甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)与羊毛纤维接枝共聚反应的规律

    Study on grafting copolymerization of vinyl monomers onto wool fibers (ⅰ) the regularities of grafting copolymerization of methyl methacrylate onto wool fibers using v ~ ( 5 + ) thiourea redox system

  12. 测定了MMA与SBS接枝共聚合的链转移常数,讨论了引发剂浓度、温度及溶剂对链转移常数的影响。

    In this paper , chain transfer constant of graft copolymerization of SBS and MMA was determined . The influence on chain transfer constant of initiator concentration , reaction temperatures and solvents was discussed .

  13. 研究了甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)和丙烯酸正丁酯(BA)与丁苯嵌段共聚物(SBS)在甲苯-环已烷混合溶剂(体积比为1:1)中的三元接枝共聚合。

    The graft copolymerization of methyl meth-acrylate ( MMA ) and butyl acrylate ( BA ) with styrene - butadiene - styrene block copolymer ( SBS ) in the mixied solvent of toluene-cyclohexane ( volume ratio 1:1 ) was investigated .

  14. 本文以二过碘酸合铜(Ⅲ)钾(DPC)为自由基引发剂,在尼龙-1010上引发甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝共聚合反应,获得了具有一定接枝效率和接枝百分比的接枝共聚物。

    Potassium diperiodatocuprate (ⅲ)( DPC ) is an efficient initiator for graft copolymerization of methyl methacrylate onto nylon 1010.The structure of poly ( MMA ) - g-nylon was characterized by IR and X-ray diffraction spectra .

  15. 氧化降解的玉米淀粉与丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯腈(AN)和丙烯酰胺(AM)在引发剂(NH4)2S2O8作用下进行了接枝共聚合反应,制得改性淀粉复鞣剂。

    Using ( NH 4 ) 2S 2O 8 initiation system , the modified starch retanning agent was synthesized by the graft copolymerization of oxidizing degradation starch with acrylic acid ( AA ), and acryamide ( AM ) .

  16. 以甲苯为溶剂,在90℃条件下,研究了10份氯含量为57%的高氯氯化聚乙烯(HCPE)对100份粘接型氯丁橡胶与75份甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)接枝共聚合的影响。

    The effect of chlorinated polyethylene ( 10 phr ) with chlorine content 57 % on the graft copolymerization of methyl methacrylate ( 75 phr ) onto adhesive polychloroprene was studied with toluene as solvent at 90 ℃ .

  17. 丁二烯系橡胶乳液接枝共聚合制备热塑性弹性体

    Preparation of thermoplastic elastomers by emulsion grafting of butadiene series rubbers

  18. 纤维素的乳液接枝共聚合(Ⅰ)引发剂对纤维素的氧化降解作用

    Emulsion graft copolymerization of cellulose (ⅰ) Interaction between cellulose and initiator

  19. 丙烯酰胺与等离子体预处理的聚四氟乙烯膜的接枝共聚合

    Graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto PTFE films treated by plasma

  20. 乙丙共聚物的过氧化氢基化反应及其与烯类单体的接枝共聚合

    Hydroperoxidation of EP Copolymer and Its Olefine Monomer Grafting Reaction

  21. 尼龙-6膜与丙烯酸接枝共聚合的研究

    Studies on grafting copolymerization of nylon-6 membrane with acrylic acid

  22. 辐射接枝共聚合反应及其在有机生物医用材料制备中的应用

    Irradiation Graft Copolymerization and Its Application for Preparation of Organic Biomedical Materials

  23. 纤维素醚的乳液接枝共聚合

    Graft copolymerization of acrylate onto cellulose ether in emulsion system

  24. 聚醋酸乙烯酯和共聚物大分子引发剂引发异丁烯正离子接枝共聚合反应

    The cationic polymerization of isobutylene by grafting from PVAc and its copolymer

  25. 聚丙烯与马来酸酐反应挤出接枝共聚合的研究

    Study on the Graft Copolymerization of PP and MAH by Reactive Extrusion

  26. 超常价态过渡金属引发水溶性高分子接枝共聚合反应研究纤维素在离子液体中的均相接枝共聚

    Homogeneous Graft Copolymerization of Cellulose Using an Ionic Liquid as a Reaction Medium

  27. 聚氟乙烯-丙烯酸辐射接枝共聚合研究

    Radiation-induced graft copolymerization of acrylic acid with polyvinyl fluoride

  28. 焦磷酸络锰三价离子引发淀粉-丙烯酰胺的接枝共聚合

    Graft Copolymerization of Starch-acrylamide Initiated by Manganic Pyrophosphate Complex

  29. 丙烯酸酯在导电炭黑表面的接枝共聚合

    Graft Copolymerization of Acrylate on Conductive Carbon Black Surface

  30. 铈离子引发N-对甲苯基丙烯酰胺类聚合物膜上丙烯酰胺接枝共聚合的研究

    Graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto poly ( n-para-tolylacrylamides ) films initiated by ceric ion