
  • 网络mouthpiece
接嘴 [jiē zuǐ]
  • [respond] 就着别人说话的意向接着说下去

  1. 嘉丁纳太太接嘴说:你相信我好了,我也开始赞成你舅舅的看法了。

    Upon my word , said Mrs. Gardiner , I begin to be of your uncle 's opinion .

  2. 鸿渐接嘴道:“所以我们四个人先去呀。服从大多数的决定,我们不是大多数么?”

    " So ," continued hung-chien ," we four will go on first , following the majority 's decision . aren 't we the majority ?"

  3. 卷烟搭口胶的保护胶体含量较低、乳液粒子的成型是影响旋转黏度测定值的主要因素,卷烟接嘴胶的保护胶体含量较高,保护胶体的含量是影响涂-4杯黏度值的主要因素。

    Cigarette holder adhesive has a higher protective colloid content , the main factor which influences the measured value of Tu-4 cup viscosity is the content of the protective colloid .

  4. 国内生产的烟草机械设备,如卷烟机、接嘴机、装盘机、包装机等,大多是引进国外先进技术。

    Most of the cigarette machine equipments produced in civil as cigarette machine , splicer , cigarette TRAY Loader , packaging machine etc is mainly based on the foreign advanced technology .

  5. 乔治安娜可并没有接嘴,因为她哥哥既然那么推崇伊丽莎白,她当然便也对她有了好感。哥哥的看法决不会错;他把伊丽莎白捧得叫乔治安娜只觉得她又亲切又可爱。

    Her brother 's recommendation was enough to ensure her favour : his judgment could not err , and he had spoken in such terms of Elizabeth as to leave Georgiana without the power of finding her otherwise than lovely and amiable .

  6. 1300t混铁炉兑铁槽接长嘴改造实践铸造喷嘴式饮水龙头,钢或铁制

    Modification Practice of Extended Nozzle of Charging Chute for 1,300 t Hot Metal Mixer cast drinking fountain of iron or stee