
léi dá zhì dǎo
  • radar guidance;radar-homing
  1. 微型计算机在雷达制导站中应用的几种趋势

    Some Current Trends of Microcomputer Application in Radar Guidance Station

  2. 弹载毫米波脉冲多普勒雷达制导信息处理研究

    Study on Missle-borne MMW PD Radar Guidance Information Processing

  3. 它携带中国设计的空空导弹,像是雷达制导的洛阳PL-12。

    It carries Chinese-designed air-to-air missiles such as the radar-guided Luoyang PL-12 .

  4. 同时也没有升级的J-11可以兼容发射中国的主动雷达制导空空导弹PL-12。

    Neither are the upgraded J-11s compatible with China 's own active-radar AAM , the PL-12 .

  5. 最后结合某型雷达制导站信号处理机的研制,比较具体的讨论了MTI和MTD的实现方案,并就几个有关通道相位的关键问题进行了详细的分析和探讨。

    Finally we discussed the MTI and MTD implement scheme combined with the research of a radar guidance station signal processor . Several key problems about channels'phases have also been analyzed and researched .

  6. 导弹是半-主动雷达制导而且射程大约50公里(类似HQ-12)。

    The missiles are semi-active radar homing and would have a range of about50km ( similar to HQ-12 ) .

  7. 连续波半主动雷达制导空空导弹截获跟踪距离计算

    Consideration on calculating capture and tracking range of CW guided air-to-air missile

  8. 主动雷达制导反舰导弹攻击目标计算

    Calculation of Attack Target for Active Radar Homing Antiship Missile

  9. 对雷达制导导弹的电子对抗效能分析

    The ECM Efficiency Analysis of the Radar Guided Missile

  10. 基于激光成像雷达制导系统的仿真设计

    Simulation designing of imaging laser radar guidance system

  11. 弹载合成孔径雷达制导技术发展综述

    Review of Development of Missile-borne SAR Guidance Technology

  12. 连续波雷达制导空空导弹武器系统近载频噪声作用机理研究

    Research on mechanism of near carrier frequency FM noise for CW guided air-to-air missile weapon system

  13. 寻的雷达制导的导弹

    Radar guided missile with target homing

  14. 歼击机配装主动雷达制导导弹关键技术研究

    Some Researches on Key Techniques When a Fighter Aircraft is Modified with an Active Radar Guided Missile

  15. 主动雷达制导型空空导弹是当今战斗飞机最重要的空战武器。

    Air to air active radar guided missile is the most important air combat weapon for modern fighter aircraft .

  16. 分析了连续波半主动雷达制导导弹导引头工作电磁环境和对武器系统攻击区的影响。

    The magnetic environment in which the CW semi active radar guided missile 's homer works is analyzed and its influence on the attacking envelope of the weapon system is given .

  17. 分析了激光成像雷达制导仿真系统的四个主要组成部分:光学部分、数据处理部分、通用库部分和稳定跟踪部分。

    A plan that applying simulation with heterodyne imaging laser radar guidance system is presented , then its four important sections are analyzed : optics , data processing , general library , stabilization and tracking .

  18. 本论文紧密结合某型号雷达制导站信号处理机的研制与开发,重点对天线旁瓣自适应相消技术进行了研究。

    This paper puts emphasis on the research of the antenna sidelobe adaptive cancelling technology combining closely with the science R & D of signal processor of some type of radar control and guide station .

  19. 随着步进电机驱动技术和数字控制技术的发展,步进电机在火控系统、雷达制导、红外扫描、激光探测等军事领域广泛应用。

    With the development of stepper motor drive technology and digital control technology , stepper motor is used widely in the fire control system , radar guidance , infrared scanning , laser detection and other military field .

  20. 海杂波干扰影响雷达制导性能,对各海况物理条件下海杂波的数值模拟可用于实验室海杂波仿真、制导雷达的设计、监测性能的分析等。

    Oceanic clutter can significantly affect the radar guidance performance . Numerical simulation of oceanic clutter under various oceanic situations is applicable to simulating clutter in the laboratory , designing the guidance radar and analyzing the radar surveillance .

  21. 主要采用被动红外成像与主动激光雷达制导相结合的模式,首先使用被动红外方式搜索视场并确认目标,然后激光雷达系统获得此目标信息进行进一步锁定并精确跟踪。

    Mainly uses the method of passive infrared imaging and laser radar guidance combined configuration , it works firstly use the passive infrared search field and confirm the target , then the laser radar system acquired the target information and precise tracking .

  22. 针对以海上目标作为攻击对象的主动雷达制导武器系统对远海大擦地角范围海面散射特性数据(尤其是20°~90°)的需求,开展了机载高分辨海面电磁散射测量研究。

    To study the electromagnetic scattering property of sea surface in large range of grazing angle , especially 20 ° ~ 90 °, for the weapon system with active radar guidance against targets on sea surface , airborne high resolution measurement is performed .

  23. 该方案采用被动红外成像与主动激光雷达制导两种模式,通过被动红外方式进行视场搜索并确认目标,然后将目标信息传递给激光雷达系统进行目标锁定与精确跟踪。

    The scheme includes two homing modes : the passive IR imaging mode and the active Ladar mode . The passive IR imaging system is used for searching and identifying the target , and then transmitting the information of target to the active Ladar mode to precisely tracking the target .

  24. 在主/被动雷达复合制导背景下,提出一种基于H∞滤波和模糊逻辑的自适应融合算法,算法结合了H∞滤波和模糊推理的优点。

    A fuzzy adaptive fusion algorithm based on H ∞ filter is proposed for Active / Passive Radar dual mode guidance system , which combines the merits of H ∞ filter and fuzzy logic .

  25. 两个项目改为有天线罩,它们可能是像SD-10一样的主动雷达-制导武器。

    Both items instead have radomes , suggesting they might be active radar-guided weapons like the SD-10 .

  26. 雷达寻的制导半实物仿真误差研究

    Research on the Error of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for Radar Homing Guidance

  27. 导弹主/被动雷达复合制导中的目标状态估计

    Target State Estimation in Active / Passive Radar Composite Guidance

  28. 主动雷达末制导反舰导弹多目标选择技术

    Antiship Missile Multiobjective Selection Technology of Active Radar Terminal Guidance

  29. 毫米波雷达末制导反舰导弹抗质心干扰性能分析

    Performance Analysis on the Millimeter Wave Radar Guided Anti-Ship Missile to Counter Centroided Jamming

  30. 雷达末制导是反舰导弹广泛采用的末制导方式。

    For terminal guidance of anti-ship missiles , radar terminal guidance is a widely-used solution .