
  • 网络Reggae;reggae music
  1. 拉吉在放雷鬼音乐,他妹妹还把鞋给脱了,简直就是卡里古拉大帝的晚年时期。

    At one point , Raj put on reggae music and his sister took off her shoes . It was like the last days of Caligula .

  2. 雷鬼音乐以节奏强烈,且通常切分音拍的轻松演唱方式,当然还有岛上方言而闻名。

    Reggae is famous for its strong , often syncopated beat , laid-back singing style , and , of course , the @ island @ dialect .

  3. 牙买加不只有雷鬼音乐,牙买加人有一口迷人的口音,还有全球最独特的发型。

    There 's more to Jamaicans than reggae , including an accent that 's the envy of the English-speaking world and the planet 's most distinctive and recognizable hairstyle .

  4. 有个巴厘岛年轻人组成的现场乐团,演奏很不错的雷鬼音乐,舞厅里的人形形色色,各种年纪与国籍,海外人士、游客、当地人、炫丽的巴厘岛少男少女,人人跳得浑然忘我。

    There was a live band of Balinese kids playing good reggae music , and the place was mixed up with revelers of all ages and nationalities , expats and tourists and locals and gorgeous Balinese boys and girls , all dancing freely , unself-consciously .

  5. 这个音乐的形式导致了称雷鬼摇摆乐加勒比音乐的新形式。

    This form of music led to the new form of Caribbean music which was called the reggae .

  6. 做了六七年的酒吧老板,大树却一点儿也不像商人,一见面就跟记者大谈文化、摇滚、雷鬼以及自己的音乐抱负,仍然是个十足的理想主义者。

    To be a bar boss for seven years , Big Tree look like a idealist more than a businessman when he talked about his descant on culture , rock , Reggae and musical ideal .