
  • 网络internationally recognized
  1. 临床分期标准采用国际公认的TNM分期。

    The clinical staging TNM staging internationally recognized .

  2. 按照国际公认的定义,一个国家服务业的产值占GDP的比重超过50%时,就认为该国进入了服务经济时代。

    According to the internationally recognized definition , if the proportion of national service industry production value surpasses 50 % of GDP , this country will be considered to get into the service economy era .

  3. Matlab是个功能强大、国际公认的计算软件,但其应用程序的使用却受到解释执行和体积庞大的制约;

    Matlab is a powerful computing software , but its application was restrained by its INTERPRET mechanism and bulky bytes .

  4. 世界银行(WorldBank)发布的数据显示,三分之一的印度人口生活在每天1.25美元的国际公认贫困线以下。

    According to data from the World Bank , a third of India 's population live on less than $ 1.25 a day , the internationally recognised poverty line .

  5. 它是治疗HIV感染有效的新型药物之一,也是国际公认的抗艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法中重要的经典组分之一。

    It is one of the effective anti-HIV new drugs , and it is recommended as part of combination of HAART .

  6. 目的:比较自行设计的腹膜炎评分和国际公认的APACHE评分。

    Objective : To compare the peritonitis score designed by ourselves and international acknowledged APACHE ⅱ score .

  7. 加入WTO,意味着中国企业营销环境的国际化,中国企业必须按照国际公认的市场规则(WTO下市场经济条件)来规范自己的行为。

    WTO entry means the marketing environment of Chinese enterprises has become international . Chinese enterprises should standardize their behavior according to the international market regulations .

  8. 实验表明,该方法的不变性纹理分类效果优于目前国际公认的基于LBP的方法。

    Experiments show that classification rates of textures by this method are higher than LBP .

  9. 目前国际公认的文献检索工具首推医学文献联机检索数据库(MEDLINE)。

    One of the worldwide accepted tools for literature retrieval nowadays is MEDLINE .

  10. 只有通过由国际公认的认证机构ISO9000认证的工厂才有可能豁免某些评估项目。

    Exemption to certain elements might be granted for the factory , which are ISO9000 certified by a universal recognised certifying body .

  11. 并用MATLAB语言和国际公认的比较聚类方法性能的典型数据集IRIS以及其它数据集,对聚类算法的聚类结果进行了验证和分析。

    And clustering results of clustering algorithms are validated and analyzed by MATLAB language and type IRIS data sets of international recognized compare clustering result performance and other data sets .

  12. 加速器驱动次临界嬗变系统(ADS)是国际公认在嬗变长寿命核废物、从根本上处置核废物的一个极有前途的新型核系统。

    Accelerator driven subcritical transmutation system ( ADS ) has been considered one of the most promising systems in the worldwide to fundamentally transmute long life nuclear wastes .

  13. 本文介绍一种国际公认的标准接口(CAMAC)。

    This paper presents a CAMAC system which is an internationally accepted standard interface .

  14. 旅游业是国际公认的朝阳产业,伴随着中国加入WTO和2008年奥运会的临近,青岛旅游业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Tourism industry is a generally recognized rising sun industry , and with China 's entry into WTO and the incoming Olympic Games Qingdao 2008 , the Qingdao tourist industry is faced with an unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  15. 随着石油资源消耗殆尽,全球变暖日益加剧,LNG(液化天然气)作为国际公认的清洁能源已成为化石燃料的最佳替代品。

    With the over-consumption of petroleum resource , global warming is becoming worse , LNG , the international recognized clean energy , is the best succedaneum for fossil fuel .

  16. MATLAB语言作为国际公认最优秀的科技应用软件,已成为一些院校工科学生的必修课程,其特点决定了它是最适合进行双语教学的一门课程之一。

    As well-known scientific and technological application software , MATLAB Programming has become a required course for engineering students in many universities . It is one of the best suitable courses for bilingual teaching due to its characteristics .

  17. 他是国际公认的20国集团(G20)发起人之一,还一早期倡导大力抗击气候变化。

    He has been internationally recognized as one of the founders of the G20 group of nations and as an early advocate of aggressive efforts to combat climate change .

  18. 近年来,LCA已发展成为一种国际公认的生态与环境管理工具。

    Life cycle analysis ( LCA ) is an internationally accepted technique for measuring the environmental impacts over the life cycle of a defined system .

  19. 就在上周,20国集团(g20)敦促各大银行增加资本金,并承诺制定国际公认的法规来提高亏损拨备的数量和质量。

    Just last week , the group of 20 urged banks to build capital , promising internationally agreed rules to boost the quantity and quality of the buffer against losses .

  20. 然后选用国际公认的TSP库的数据进行测试,找到了比TSP库提供的最优解更优的解,证明了新算法的有效性。

    And then selected the internationally recognized TSP in the database for testing and found the TSP library than the optimal solution to provide better solutions , proved that the new algorithm .

  21. 对于常用聚类算法,本文分别从国际公认数据集IRIS、常用曲线聚类评价指标、实际电力用户负荷曲线的聚类结果三方面对各算法进行分析比较,以得出适用于电力负荷曲线聚类的算法。

    For the popular clustering algorithms , they are compared to obtain the optimum clustering algorithms by internationally recognized data set IRIS , common curve clustering index , the real load curve of electricity customers .

  22. 背景:甲基强的松龙(methylprednisolone,MP)在脊髓损伤治疗中的作用现已得到国际公认,但其作用机制复杂,且目前并没有完全被揭示。

    BACKGROUND : Effects of methylprednisolone ( MP ) on spinal cord injury have generally been acknowledged internationally , but the action mechanisms are very complex and haven 't been wholly revealed recently .

  23. 我们的服务已获得FIATA及IATA的认可,符合国际公认的专业标准及程序。

    Recognized by FIATA and IATA our provision of services is in compliance to the industry standards and procedures .

  24. 癌胚抗原(CEA)和甲胎蛋白(AFP)是国际公认的常用的肿瘤标志物,目前被应用于很多疾病如肺癌,胰腺癌,乳腺癌,肝癌等的辅助诊断。

    Carcinoembryonic antigen ( CEA ) or a-1-fetoprotein ( AFP ) is the mainly used tumor markers expressed in many malignancies , such as lung cancer , pancreas carcinoma , breast cancer , hepatocellular carcinoma and others .

  25. TUVNORD是国际公认的在管理体系认证领域具有多年经验的认证集团。

    TUV NORD CERT is an internationally recognized certification company with many years of experience in the field of management system certification .

  26. 《药品生产质量管理规范》已经成为国际公认的制药企业药品生产和质量管理的基本准则,GMP认证证书已成为药品销售的通行证。

    Good Manufacture Practice for Drugs ( GMP ) has been internationally recognized as a basic standard for drug production and quality management , and GMP Compliance Certification is now a passport for pharmaceuticals trading .

  27. 使之能在条件允许时,配备离心式压缩机,将本项目建设的TVC压缩蒸馏实验台改建成MVC机械压缩蒸馏海水淡化装置&国际公认的先进海水淡化技术,以期作为一个产品推出。

    In an appropriate time , this experiment device will be equipped with centrifugal compressor and be rebuilt as the MVC product that is the advanced technology of seawater desalination in the world .

  28. 另外,RA血清型复杂,国际公认的血清型可多达21种,型间基本无交叉免疫保护,致使本病的抗体监测,免疫预防,诊断甚为困难。

    In addition , the serotype of RA are very complex , internationally recognized serotypes could be as many as 21 and no cross-protective immunity among them , so it is difficult to monitor antibodies in the immune prevention and diagnosis .

  29. 点燃发作(kindling)与人类癫痫复杂部分性发作的脑电与行为表现相似,具有稳定持久且不造成病理损伤灶等优点,是目前国际公认研究人类慢性癫痫的理想动物模型。

    Kindling which would not cause focus in brain is thought to be an ideal animal model to study human chronic epilepsy , because it is similar to human epilepsy in electroencephalogram and behavior .

  30. 斯洛伐克是国际公认的培养一流冰上曲棍球的国家,其中大部分选手参加了世界上最好的联合会,其中(美国)全国曲棍球联合会(NHL)是最具盛名的。

    Slovakia is internationally considered to be a breeding ground for talented ice hockey players , many of whom are playing in the best leagues in the world , of which the NHL is the most prestigious .