
bái rén zhì shànɡ zhǔ yì
  • white supremacy
  1. 杰斐逊对奴隶制及白人至上主义的遗留问题的预测,有时会使他遭到诋毁,但他的先见之明超出许多人所愿意承认的。

    Jefferson is sometimes vilified for anticipating the legacy of slavery , and of the doctrine of white supremacy that permitted it . But he was more prescient than many would care to admit .

  2. 家喻户晓的白人反种族主义者,变成了白人至上主义的信徒。

    One of the most iconic white antiracists had grown fond of white supremacy .

  3. 罗是个白人至上主义者?

    Rowe was a white supremacist ?

  4. 如同早些时候指出的那样,他们更多时间是不受白人至上主义的老牌分析师所指责的。

    As noted earlier , they are more often than not subjected to the whites-only sophisticated analysis .

  5. 白人至上主义者戴伦•鲁夫在一个历史悠久的黑人教堂开枪射击,试图引发一场种族战争。

    White supremacist Dylann Roof begins shooting in a historic black church , attempting to spark a race-war .

  6. 对于那些追踪观察白人至上主义组织活动的人来说,这次的暴力事件并不完全出人意料。

    To some who track the movements of white supremacist groups , the violence was not a total surprise .

  7. 一名检察官表示,在新西兰两座清真寺屠杀了51名礼拜者的白人至上主义者原本计划随后烧毁清真寺。

    A prosecutor says the white supremacist who slaughtered 51 worshippers at two New Zealand mosques had intended to the mosques afterward .

  8. 属于理平头和聚在摇滚乐会或参加白人至上主义者的活动的英国或美国社团的年青人。

    A young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations .

  9. 但深入到厌恶团体的研究人员称佩奇与一些传播白人至上主义的音乐团体有关联,他们推测是他的仇恨引发了疯狂行为。

    But researchers into hate groups say Page had ties to music groups with a white supremacist message and they speculate that his hatred sparked the rampage .

  10. 知道一个年轻的白人至上主义者在一座南卡罗莱拉州教堂里屠杀了九名黑人教徒,随后还引发一场关于邦联旗的争论;

    about the massacre of nine black churchgoers by a young white supremacist in a South Carolina church , and the ensuing debate over the Confederate flag ;

  11. 自上世纪60年代以来,极右的白人至上主义者团体很可能将首次与黑人民权抗议者在相同街道上游行。

    For the first time since the 1960s , far-right white supremacist groups will be likely to be patrolling the same streets as black civil rights protesters .

  12. 作为新概念的文明极端主义,是建立在西方基督教文明优越感和白人至上主义基础之上的。

    " Civilization-related extremism " as a new concept is based on the " superiority of Christian civilization " and " the White superiority " of the West .

  13. 维格利德党是一个白人至上主义者团体,崇拜挪威神话中的神。白人选择联盟曾在1997年参加议会选举,但没有成功。

    Chief among these is Vigrid , a white supremacist group that venerated Norse gods , and White Choice Alliance , which unsuccessfully contested parliamentary elections in 1997 .

  14. 拉美社区领袖表示,他们已驳斥了来自白人至上主义者或移民孤立主义者的类似观点,但是面对一位曾在国家安全界享有声望的公众人物提出的这种论断,他们表示忧虑。

    Community leaders said they had dismissed similar arguments as coming from white supremacists or immigration isolationists and were alarmed to face such claims from a public figure with stature in the national security community .

  15. 我知道他曾是白人至上和种族主义者,很卑鄙

    I know he was a white supremacist and a racist , disgusting ,

  16. 对于美国白人,这意味着去承认奴隶制度的影响,还有美国黑人不会突然消失在六十年代(“JimCrow”原意为:黑人,是美国白人至上主义者对黑人的蔑称;今译作“黑人隔离法”。),

    For white Americans , it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn 't suddenly vanish in the '60s ,