
  • 网络baiyuneboite
  1. 本文提出了用ICP-AES测定白云鄂博矿中微量钪的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method for the determination of trace element Sc in Baiyunobo ore by ICP-AES .

  2. 用电子衍射和高分辩电子显微术研究了白云鄂博矿。

    Baiyuneboite - ( Ce ) was studied by electron diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy .

  3. 白云鄂博矿烧结用高铬铸铁篦条组织演变对冲击韧性的影响

    Effect of microstructure evolution of high chromium cast iron grate bars for Bayan Obo ore sintering on the impact toughness

  4. 包头白云鄂博矿碱金属含量高,球团还原膨胀率高,给高炉冶炼带来很大困难。

    Because of high alkaline earth metal content , the reduction swelling of Baotou pellet makes blast furnace operation very difficult .

  5. 本文就我国内蒙古白云鄂博矿、四川冕宁矿、山东微山矿的稀土选矿工艺流程予以介绍,并对上述地区生产工艺中存在的问题加以讨论。

    The different rare earth ore dressing processes adopted in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , Shandong and Sichuan Provinces are introduced and the problems are discussed in this paper .

  6. 本文着重介绍了包钢白云鄂博矿主要杂质元素的赋存状态,包钢现行选矿工艺的降杂效果,并作了简要讨论。

    The paper mainly introduces and discusses the existing state of main inclusions element in Baiyun ore , and the inclusions decrease result of the existing ore dressing process at Baotou Steel .

  7. 白云鄂博稀土矿是全世界唯一的一个巨型REE矿床,然而对于其成因有许多不同的观点。

    The Bayan Obo rare earth mineral deposits are unique huge REE mine in the world , however there are quite different opinions about the genesis of that ore deposits .

  8. 白云鄂博赋矿白云岩成因研究历史、问题及新进展

    A Genetic Study of the Ore-hosted Dolostone in the Bayan Obo Deposit & History , Problems and New Progress

  9. 文章介绍了白云鄂博氧化矿强磁选精矿采用反正浮新工艺工业试验情况。

    The paper introduces the experimental result of the reverse-direct flotation technology about the strong magnetic concentrate of Buiyunebo oxidized ore.

  10. 白云鄂博赋矿白云岩与微晶丘和碳酸岩墙的碳氧同位素对比研究

    Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Ore-bearing Dolostone in the Bayan Obo Deposit as Well as Two Typical Micrite Mounds and a Carbonatite Dyke

  11. 讨论了该流程综合利用白云鄂博氧化矿的可行性及优越性,认为该流程可以综合回收铁、稀土、铌、钍等有价元素,具有良好的发展前景。

    It is concluded that this process can recover the valuable elements such as iron , rear-earth , niobium and thorium in a comprehensive way and therefore , has a good development prospect .

  12. 针对白云鄂博铁矿东矿采场C区滑体现状及影响矿山生产程度。

    The slip body in the C area of the east mine seriously influences the mining production .

  13. 白云鄂博矿床含矿白云岩的成因探讨

    Origin of the Ore-bearing Dolomite in Baiyun Obo Ore Deposit

  14. 在白云鄂博主东矿的东南部发现火山角砾岩和火山震裂岩,认为含矿白云岩为火山沉积建造;

    Discovery of volcanic breccias and volcanic shatter breccias at southeast of the Main and East Orebodies suggests volcanic sedimentary formation of the dolomitic rock .

  15. 白云鄂博矿床东矿段深部及白云向斜核部探矿的可行性探讨

    A Discussion on the Practicability of Prospecting in the Deep Part of the East Mine and Kernel Part of the Bayan Syncline , Bayan Obo Ore Field

  16. 磁浮新工艺流程选别白云鄂博中贫氧化矿的研究

    New magnetic separation-flotation process for processing medium-low grade oxide ores from Bayan Obo mine & a study

  17. 白云鄂博中贫氧化矿铁、稀土选矿试验研究

    Tests and studies on separation of iron and rare-earths from Bayan Obo low and medium grade oxide ores

  18. 磁浮联合流程大大提高了白云鄂博中贫氧化矿综合利用程度。

    The combined flowsheet can greatly improve comprehensive utilization of Bayan Obo low and medium grade oxide ores .

  19. 白云鄂博中贫氧化矿磁选新工艺综合回收铌的研究

    Comprehensive recovery of niobium from Bayan Obo low and medium grade oxide ores using new technique of magnetic separation

  20. 关于华北元古宙富钾、富稀土沉积岩是白云鄂博大型稀土矿床矿源层的讨论

    Discussion on Proterozoic K - and REE-rich sedimentary rocks in North China as ore source of Bayan Obo rare earth deposits