
  • 网络Shirakawa;Shirakawa-go
  1. 白川乡和五崮山的历史村落放养白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。

    Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside .

  2. 日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  3. 富士山将迎来人数骤增的游客。日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Mount Fuji is bracing for a big jump . Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .