
  • 网络white moss;white fur;white coat;white coating
  1. 暗红舌主瘀血:黄苔主热,腻苔主湿、主痰,白苔主虚,这与糖尿病阴虚、气虚为本,燥热、气滞、瘀血、痰浊为标相一致。

    Dark red tongue , the main bleeding : Yellow fur hot , greasy fur wet , sputum , the white fur , virtual , and diabetes Yin , Qi-based , hot flashes , and qi stagnation , blood stasis , phlegm as the standard . 2 .

  2. 结果显示:白苔带菌率为70.06%、黄苔60.47%、黑苔83.34%、灰苔33.33%。

    The results of investigation showed that the frequencies of isolation of fungi of white fur , yellow ful , black fur , grey fur in patients were 70.06 % , 60.47 % 83.34 % 33.33 % respectively .

  3. 肝胃不和证与脾胃湿热证,肝胃不和证与胃阴虚证,肝胃不和证与脾胃虚寒证患者白苔H值有显著差异(P005)。

    There were marked differences in the coating H values between liver-disharmony syndrome and spleen-stomach dampness-heat syndrome , stomach-yin deficiency syndrome and spleen-stomach deficiency-cold syndrome , P0.05 .

  4. 方法:选取黄苔胃病患者62例,采用免疫组化法与63例白苔胃病患者进行对照,采用免疫组化法检测胃粘膜增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、p53、bcl2、fas凋亡基因相关蛋白。

    Methods : In gastric disease patients with yellow tongue coating , apoptotic genes and their related proteins including PCNA , p53 , bcl 2 and fas were measured and compared with those in gastric disease patients with white tongue coating .

  5. 白苔和黄苔细胞化学指标的观测

    Detection of Cytochemistry Indexes In White and yellow Tongue Coatings

  6. 黄苔的细菌数量、炎性细胞及上皮细胞均较白苔增多(均P<0.05)。

    Inflammatory cells and epithelial cells in YG were more than those in WG ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 不同点:两组患者的一种舌质和两种舌苔的出现频率存在差异。即暗红舌、剥苔、白苔。

    The difference : Dark red tongue , strip tongue coating , white coating in two groups are different in the frequency of tongue coating .

  8. 提示白苔、黄苔有各自不同的细胞化学变化特点,并与辨证结果基本一致。

    It indicated that white tongue coating and yellow tongue coating have different features in cytochemical changes which were in accordance with the syndrome differentiations .

  9. 或溃疡面几乎消失,其上有极少的薄苔。③瘢痕期:溃疡面白苔已消失,变成红色充血的瘢痕;

    Or cankerous face disappears almost , there is few Bao Tai on its . ③ scar period : Cankerous face Bai Tai already disappeared , turn red into bloodshot scar ;

  10. 方法:运用显微分光光度技术,检测了33例病理白苔和35例黄苔舌上皮细胞化学7项指标的含量,并按辨证分型进行了比较。

    Method : 7 tongue epithelial cytochemistry indexes in 33 cases of white tongue coatings , 35 cases of yellow tongue coatings were detected with microspectrophotometry , and compared according to the syndrome differentiations .

  11. 清代1850-1911年期间苔色的变化特征为:白苔、黄苔的出现率上升,黑苔的出现率下降,复合苔色的描述增加。

    From 1850 to 1911 in the Qing Dynasty , occurrence rate of tongue coating had changed . Those of white , yellow and compound fur were increased . On the contrary , that of black fur was decreased .

  12. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .

  13. 白腻苔和黄腻苔在Hp感染中无差异,淡舌和Hp的感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾证在Hp感染中无显著差异。

    There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue .

  14. 结果:不同舌苔EGF-rmRNA表达水平差异明显,从高到低依次为:黄厚苔>白薄苔>黄薄苔>无苔>白厚苔,且均高于对照组。

    Results : The gradation from high to low according to the content of EGF-R mRNA was yellow thick fur , white thin fur , yellow thin fur , non-fur , white thick fur . And each of them is higher than control group .

  15. 舌象以淡黯舌、黯红舌,白腻苔、黄腻苔多见。

    Pale dark tongue , white coating and yellow coating can always be observed in tongue manifestation .

  16. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .

  17. 白念珠菌带菌率白苔高于黄苔,这与口腔内的pH值及病人的年龄相关。

    The c. albicans rate of whitish fur was higher than those of yellowish fur , it was related to the pH of oral cavity and the age of patients .

  18. 冷冻治疗后腻苔减少减轻,淡红舌、薄白苔相应增多。如果诊断上以苔腻为据;淡白、胖大舌、白腻苔等舌象则相反;

    After cryoablation therapy the patients ' slimy tongue fur decreased or get better , on the contrary the pale red tongue and thin white fur increased .