
chāo guǎng jiǎo jìng tóu
  • Ultra wide angle lens;bugeye lens
超广角镜头[chāo guǎng jiǎo jìng tóu]
  1. 超广角镜头还带来了iPhone上的一个全新功能,这就是微距摄影。

    The Ultra Wide camera also enables something entirely new on iPhone , Macro Photography .

  2. iPhone11采用了双摄像头,其中一个为超广角镜头。

    The iPhone 11 has a dual camera , which includes a second camera featuring an ultra-wide lens .

  3. 我听说了iPhone11的超广角镜头,去明智地选购吧,京晶。

    Mark : Yeah , I heard about the wide-angle lens on the iPhone 11 . Shop wisely , Jingjing !

  4. 我极少在超广角镜头上使用偏振镜。

    I rarely use polarizers with ultra wide lenses .

  5. 鱼眼透镜和超广角镜头具有很严重的光阑球差、光阑彗差。

    Fish-eye lenses or extreme wide-angle objectives have notable stop spherical aberration and stop coma .

  6. 两款相机都是火柴盒大小,都有一个偏离机身中心的超广角镜头和两个较大的控制按钮。

    Both are matchbox size with an off-centre fisheye lens and two big control buttons .

  7. 照相机从不说谎&除非用了超广角镜头。

    The camera never lies & except when it has an ultra wide-angle lens attached .

  8. 照相机从不说谎——除非用了超广角镜头。

    The camera never lies - except when it has an ultra wide-angle lens attached .

  9. 全新的超广角镜头带来了惊人的微距慢动作视频,这都得益于新的镜头设计。

    The new Ultra Wide camera enables amazing macro slo-mo videos thanks to the new lens design .

  10. 新报告指出,这项功能将使手机拥有一个可远距离照相的超广角镜头系统。

    That will allow the phone to include a wide , telephoto and ultra-wide lens system , the new report claims .

  11. 全新超广角镜头的设计和自动对焦系统能精准对焦,放大最小距离2厘米内的物体。

    The new Ultra Wide lens design and auto-focus system enable incredibly sharp focus and can magnify subjects with a minimum distance of 2 centimeters .

  12. 然而,由于鱼眼镜头成像存在严重的桶形畸变,针对这种超广角镜头的标定方法以及畸变校正是本文研究的一个重点内容。

    However , the calibration and distortion correction of this super-wide-angle lens becomes the focus of this paper due to serious barrel distortion of the fish-eye lens . 2 .

  13. 对于望远镜头来说这木有问题,但是用超广角镜头时,所涵盖的部分极化效果差异巨大。

    This is no issue with a tele lens , however with a super wide you are sweeping such a broad expanse that the polarizing effect will vary greatly across the sky .

  14. 令人惊讶的是它的轻便、紧凑,证明了超广角变焦镜头未必是大而重的。

    Being surprisingly lightweight and compact , it proves the exception to the rule that super-wide angle zooms have to be big and heavy .

  15. 遍及广角、超广角和长焦镜头的所有重大升级,使其成为拍片利器。

    With major updates across the Wide , Ultra Wide , and Telephoto cameras , it 's an incredible device for filmmaking .

  16. 难道在每个城市的上空含有超高分辨率,和超广角镜头的飞机正在进行拍摄,并且未被注意到吗?

    Are there airplanes flying over every city with super high resolution and super wide angle lenses that can do this right now , unnoticed ?