
  1. 经自适应校正后,得到了很好的长曝光像。贫验结果和模拟象符合的较好。

    Applying two algorithms to adaptive correction we obtain better long exposure image .

  2. 一幅长曝光的照片,抓着太阳在横越巴芬岛的北极的天空。

    A long-exposure photograph captures the sun in flight across Baffin Island 's Arctic sky .

  3. 自然界图片。一个长曝光捕捉这灿烂的日落色调越过宜客莱海滩,俄勒冈州。

    A long exposure captures the brilliant hues of a sunset over Ecola Beach , Oregon .

  4. 由于早期相机需要长曝光,移动的物体是不可能捕捉到的。

    Because of the lengthy exposures necessary for early cameras , moving subjects were impossible to capture .

  5. 在长曝光中的运动在星光熠熠的背景和下方变暗了的城市灯光上产生了条纹。

    Motion during the long exposure produced streaks in the starry background and the city lights on the darkened planet below .

  6. 三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。

    A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night .

  7. 寻星非常准,跟踪也犹佳,于是我就琢磨着可以架上我的DSLR来点长时间曝光。

    Goto was spot on and it tracked so well that I reckon I could have mounted the DSLR on it for some longish exposures .

  8. 设计并制备了法布里-珀罗结构的透射型光学滤光片,对七个通道进行不同时长的曝光得到了中心位于550nm附近的多通道滤光片。

    The transmissive optical filters of the Fabry-Perot structure is designed and produced , with seven channels exposed for various time to prepare the multi-channel filter with centre wavelength at 550 nm .

  9. 由初始爆破(损坏)引起,长时间曝光引起火灾。

    Caused by initial blast ( damage ), prolonged exposure to fire .

  10. 通过在黑暗环境下进行长时间曝光拍摄,他们得到了整个尸体的光影涂鸦。

    The resulting images are long-exposure " light paintings " of the entire cadaver .

  11. 在这个天区的精彩长时曝光影像里,还可以看见更遥远的昏暗背景星系。

    This impressively deep exposure of the region also reveals faint and even more distant background galaxies .

  12. 该方法为由于图像传感器长时间曝光而引起的高亮度离散噪声光斑图像的处理提供了有效的途径。

    This algorithm provides an effective way to process high-brightness image with discreet noise spot that is caused by long exposure time .

  13. 这是柯达对升级的说明,我看只有最后一个有用,减少了长时间曝光时的噪点。

    Fixes occasional problem of a camera freeze during video slide show * Reduces noise in pictures taken with Long Time Exposure setting enabled .

  14. 尽管这种技巧需要长时间曝光和复杂的处理,但却让国家地理杂志成为首批因彩色摄影而繁盛的期刊之一。

    Despite the long exposures and complex processing , this technique made National Geographic magazine one of the first periodicals to bloom with color photography .

  15. 长时间曝光捕捉到照片中的星星,以及淡出的月亮和明亮的东部天空短暂的平衡光。

    A long exposure time captured stars in this photo & and the brief balanced light from both a fading moon and a brightening eastern sky .

  16. 木卫一的向阳面故意的曝光过度以显示出模糊的羽状物,同时长的曝光时间提供了木卫一被木星照亮的夜面极好景象。

    Io 's dayside was deliberately overexposed in this picture to image the faint plumes , and the long exposure also provided an excellent view of Io 's night side , illuminated by Jupiter .

  17. 他称自己诡异的成像手法源自于不同光源下长时间的曝光。

    He explains this weird photography uses different light sources during long exposure times .

  18. 但是用望远镜和照相机可以制造长时间的曝光。

    But by using the telescope by camera , long times excursion can be made .

  19. 但是用望远镜当成一个照相机,长时间的曝光就可以完成。

    But by using a telescope as a camera , long time exposures can be made .

  20. 日落时分,带上相机,前往屋后那条乡野小路,用长时间的曝光捕捉到了这一场景。

    I went out to the dirt road behind the house and shot this using a long exposure , just after sunset .

  21. 光线不好、或者使用长焦拍摄,由于需要长时间的曝光,相机的抖动很容易让照片糊掉。

    Photos taken in low light or with long telephoto lenses can easily be ruined by blur caused by the camera moving during the exposure ( camera shake ) .

  22. 尤其是作为主要功能成像方式之一的CT灌注成像,由于需要长时间的连续曝光,导致受检者的辐射剂量增高。

    In particular , as one of the main functions imaging modalities , CT perfusion imaging needs a long period of continuous exposure , and oit will lead to increased radiation dose exposure .

  23. 大径长管周向曝光射线遥控装置

    X-ray Remote Device for Circumferential Exposure of Large-Diameter Conduit