
Chánɡ qí
  • Nagasaki
  1. 英国探险家约翰爵士(StJohn)讲述了迈克唐纳离开长崎二十年后北海道附近一位外国海难幸存者的经历。

    Yet St John , the British explorer , relates a foreign shipwreck on Hokkaido justtwo decades after MacDonald left Nagasaki .

  2. Ishikawa团队是从日本长崎大学124位志愿者提供的血样中提取的DNA。

    Ishikawa 's team extracted DNA from blood samples provided by124 volunteers at Nagasaki University in Japan .

  3. 广岛和长崎也就不会被炸。

    There would 've never been a Hiroshima and a nagasaki .

  4. 自从广岛长崎之后就没有人那么快的杀人。

    Nobody 's killed people that fast since Nagasaki and hiroshima .

  5. 九州西海岸的长崎则是另外一种模式。

    Nagasaki on Kyushu 's west coast tells a different tale .

  6. 日本长崎海边休闲绿地规划设计方案

    Planning & Design for the Seaside Recreational Green Space in Nagasaki Japan

  7. 在抵达长崎之后,他把他们钉死在十字架上。

    Upon their arrival in Nagasaki he had them crucified .

  8. 我的叔祖母当时正在他们位于长崎市外的新房子中。

    My great-aunt was in their new house outside Nagasaki ;

  9. 豪斯登堡是位于日本长崎附近的游乐园。

    Huis Ten Boch is an amusement park near Nagasaki in Japan .

  10. 在这次历史纪念日上,长崎举行了特殊的吊念仪式。

    The city held a special memorial service on the historic anniversary .

  11. 赴日本长崎技术研修报告

    Report on Visiting Nagasaki , Japan for the Technical Researches and Studies

  12. 福建长崎区域经济合作研究

    Research on District Economic Cooperation of Fukien and Nagasaki

  13. 广岛和长崎之于人们的意义不再是孤立的战争事件

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were no longer seen as isolated one time incidents .

  14. 长崎幸存者的平均年龄为80岁。

    The average age of Nagasaki 's surviving victims is 80 years old .

  15. 从大路到原住民乡村需要走一段好长崎岖不平的路。

    Way to Sengoi 's village , it is not a easy walk .

  16. 上海与长崎的城市发展比较

    The Comparison of Urban Development between Shanghai and Nagasaki

  17. 在广岛和长崎丢下原子弹。

    Using the bomb on Hiroshima and nagasaki .

  18. 但那里云量太多,战机遂转往长崎。

    But it was too cloudy , so the plane moved on to nagasaki .

  19. 在广岛和长崎投弹的最后决定。

    The final decision that resulted in the two bombs , Hiroshima and nagasaki .

  20. 在广岛被炸的三天后,长崎紧接着又受到原子弹的轰炸。

    Three days after the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima , another hit nagasaki .

  21. 中国饮食、体育文化在长崎

    Chinese dietetic and physical culture in Nagasaki

  22. 它是从上海出发的,横滨和长崎只是两个中途停靠的港口。

    It puts in at Yokohama and Nagasaki , but it starts from Shanghai . '

  23. 我看到广岛和长崎

    I looked to Hiroshima , Nagasaki .

  24. 刺杀由日本最大的犯罪辛迪加组织长崎分支机构策划实施。

    The assassin belonged to the local Nagasaki branch of Japan 's largest crime syndicate .

  25. 端岛坐落于日本南部的长崎市外约9英里处。

    Hashima Island sits about nine miles off the coast of Nagasaki in Southern Japan .

  26. 不过,在长崎,万次郎被迫用脚踩踏一幅圣母和耶稣的画像。

    In Nagasaki , Manjiro had to trample on an imageof the Virgin and child .

  27. 日本长崎南高等学校400余名师生访问我校。

    400 teachers and students from Nagasaki high school , Japan are visiting the school .

  28. 故事围绕罗根1945年在长崎获得力量这一主线展开。

    The story revolves around Logan 's involvement as a POW in 1945 in Nagasaki .

  29. 他出生于长崎,他母亲是一个日本贵族的女儿。

    He was born in Nagasaki and his mother was the daughter of a Japanese Lord .

  30. 然后告诉他们美国在广岛和长崎各丢下了一枚核弹。

    Then tell them that the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki .