
  • 网络transcender;the Transcendent;Beyonder;Exceed
  1. CFD软件在温室传感器优化布置中的应用丹尼尔·艾斯蒂&为环保定量的超越者

    Application of CFD in Optimal Sensor Placement for environment measurement of greenhouse

  2. 当超越者滑行的轨迹长度和重心速度小于被超越者时,只要超越者在滑行的有效运动方向上移动的位移和速度大于被超越者,就有可能超越成功。

    When both of the exceeding player ′ s gravity speed and sliding locus length are less than that of the exceeded one , the former would succeed only if his displacement on sliding effective moving direction is greater than the latter ′ s.

  3. 理解作为超越存在者的运动,其历史性与道德性是相互关联的。

    As a transcendent activity , the historical and moral character of comprehension are associated .

  4. 科卫总站设定时限,超越时限者才算成功通过,成为优胜者。

    Best time is set as the limit , whoever break the record will be the winner .

  5. 无论我们是无神论者或有神论者,或中间派或超越二者,就此而言

    whether we 're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond , for that matter ,

  6. 音乐超越叙事者而来,时而史诗般宏伟,时而安静的让人沉思。

    The music transcends from the speakers ; at once epic and grand , then suddenly subdued and reflective .

  7. 你们正超越黑暗者之前如此之远,以致于它们完全没有希望改变结局。

    You are moving so far ahead of the dark Ones , that they have no hope of altering the outcome .

  8. 海德格尔针对世界的精神危机提出超越存在者整体的“无”,作为形而上学的基本问题。

    To resolve the spiritual crisis of the whole world , Heidegger proposed as the basic notion of metaphysics , the concept of " nothing " which transcends the whole of beings .

  9. 对那些渴望来提升超越任何疾病者而言这是个核心问题。

    This is the core problem for those desiring to ascend out of any disease .

  10. 超越作为观察者和被观察者的关系?

    Beyond being observer and observed ?

  11. 从来不存在什么超越被剥削者的“阶级利益”之上的“民族利益”。

    There can never be a " national interest " over the " class interest " of the exploited .

  12. 用户可以获取目前尚未集成的开放数据流,并超越原始发布者的最初意图,将它们转换为全新的应用程序。

    Users can take presently unintegrated streams of open data and turn them into fresh applications beyond the imagination or ambition of the original publishers .

  13. 此外,他还让语言精神媒介所负载的诗美形式层、诗美内容的文化层与超越这二者之上的意义层,共同打造了一个三位一体的艺术空间。

    He still made an artistic space of the trinity by the language be spiritual loading with the form layer of aesthetic poem , culture layer of aesthetic poem meaning and the meaning layer that beyond former two layers .

  14. 基于Web的教学平台建构了一个虚拟的网络学习社区环境,这个环境以其时空的超越性为学习者提供了更为自由的开放空间。

    Web-based teaching platform presents a virtual Web-learning . Community situation which provides a more free and open room for learners because of its overstepping on time and space .

  15. 他在到达终点之前全速冲刺,超越了其他赛跑者。

    He sprinted past the other runners just before reaching the tape .

  16. 跳跃转移占10.3%,其中超越第Ⅱ站者4例。

    The skip metastasis accounted for 10.3 % and went beyond group ⅱ in 4 out of 19 cases .

  17. 或许我们不能人人都成为优胜者,但我们应该做一名追求进步,超越自我的勇敢者。

    Perhaps we can all become winners , but we should be a pursuit of progress , beyond the brave self .

  18. 不管他们犯过哪些错,我同情这些人,他们从奴隶和战俘的身份,一步一步,超越自己的压迫者,坐到王位。

    Whatever their faults , I have a liking for men who , as purchased slaves or captives of war , can , inch by inch , rise above their oppressors and at last seat themselves on their throne ;

  19. 从而,现实的危难使得立足于个体道德理性的启蒙为立足于社会救亡的革命伦理主题所覆遮,革命伦理的价值理念也因此超越于启蒙知识者所开出的崇尚个体的价值理念。

    So the realistic calamity made the enlightenment that based on individual moral reason covered by theme of revolution ethics that based on the national salvation , the value philosophy of revolution ethics also overtook individual ones , which is highly thought by first intellectuals .