
  • 网络no killing;Not Killing;ahimsa
  1. 简要论述他对佛教“空”、“无”观念、佛性、三世轮回、不杀生和偶像崇拜的批判,并分析他对佛教的批判这一历史现象出现的原因及其思想意义。

    This paper discusses his criticism on emptiness , nature , samsara , ahimsa , idol worship of Buddhism and analyses the reason and the meaning of the history phenomenon .

  2. 修行人奉行万物为一体的观念,因此发展出爱惜生命,不杀生,以及民胞物与等的信念。

    A man of practice attaches much importance to integration of all creatures so he develops the ideas of loving life , ahimsa and things and human are from the same mother .

  3. 他说,我的原则是不杀生。

    ' I have a no-kill policy , ' he says .

  4. 他说,我的原则是“不杀生”。

    I have a no-kill policy , ' he says .

  5. 一个人可以思考自律、不杀生、不伤害。

    One can reflect on the first yama , ahimsa , non-harming .

  6. 他们全都皈依了佛教,并且再也不杀生吃肉了。

    They became Buddhists , and stopped killing animals to eat their meat .

  7. 她是那里唯一一个明白事理,不杀生的人。

    She was about the only person there who knew better than to kill animals .

  8. 从那以后,她再也不杀生,也再没吃过一口肉。

    From then on , she never took another life or ate another mouthful of animal flesh .

  9. 持戒是:不杀生、不说谎、不偷盗、不纵欲、不贪婪。

    Yama is abstention from harming others , from false-hood , from theft , from incontinence , and from greed .

  10. 他去了庙里的大殿,在佛前发誓他再也不杀生了。

    He went to the main shrine of the temple and swore before the Buddhas that he would never kill again .

  11. 我能够一整年不杀生,但是一整年不说闲话,不贪心,不说谎

    You know , I could spend a year not killing , but spending a year not gossiping , not coveting , not lying

  12. 很多西方佛教信徒认为吃素是很重要的,因为它符合佛教不杀生的戒律。

    Many Western Buddhists think it is important to be vegetarian because it agrees with the Buddhist precept of not harming any living being .

  13. 我了解战争的残忍,杀戮的恐怖,因为我了解这些,所以我有了不杀生的理想。

    I understand the bestiality of war , the horror of killing , and because I understand it I have this ideal of not killing .

  14. 不杀生&禁止杀害任何生命,并且应该对他们慈悲。

    Not killing ( taking of Life ) - Not only shouldn 't we kill any living beings , but we should also be compassionate to them .

  15. 佛教五戒的内容是:不杀生,不偷盗,不邪淫,不妄语,不饮酒,其条目简单,而内涵却非常丰富。

    Five Precepts of Buddhism are : no killing , no stealing , no adultery , no lying , no drinking , its entry is simple , but content is very rich .

  16. 要是你敢于认可自己杀了那么多无助的动物,还保证永久再也不杀生,你还有机会。

    If you 're brave enough to admit that you shouldn 't have killed all those helpless birds , and you promise that you will never kill anything again , we may have a chance .

  17. 记得有一次和几个家长谈不杀生的时候,我同他们讲堕胎是杀生,因为这就像是杀掉一个活生生的人;

    I remember once I talked to several parents about the principle of no killing . I told them that having an abortion is a form of killing , because it is taking the life of a living human being .

  18. 或者因为他们认为我们不应该杀生取食。

    Or because they think we should not kill animals for food .

  19. 佛教对生命的敬畏感极强,这表现于不可杀生的信条。

    Buddhist reverence for life extremely strong sense , this expression cannot kill creed .

  20. 来自一个信仰佛教的渔夫,佛教相信人不该杀生。

    And it 's what Buddhist fishermen say , because they 're not supposed to kill anything .

  21. 克:如果你了解了杀戮是可怕的,你还要有个不去杀生的理想吗?

    Krishnamurti : If you understand that killing is terrible do you have to have an ideal in order not to kill ?

  22. 实用:戒律所定的标准可谓简单&不有意地杀生、偷盗、行不当性事、说谎、用醉品。

    Practical : The standards set by the precepts are simple & no intentional killing , stealing , having illicit sex , lying , or taking intoxicants .

  23. 佛门以慈悲为怀,提倡“放生”,它告示人们不该无辜杀生,众生应该和睦相处,世界才能永久和平!

    The kind-hearted Buddhists advocate " the free life " . To earn the permanent peace of the world , they tell people not to kill the innocent lives and live in a harmonious society .

  24. 上人:不堕胎、不杀生

    The Venerable Master : By not having abortions , by not killing living beings .