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  1. 但,这是条不归之路,而且,正指向愈加抽象的层次。

    But this arrow points only one way , and that 's in the direction of ever-higher abstraction .

  2. 随着20世纪的到来,中国文学进入了一个新的历史发展阶段,走上了一条现代化的不归之路。

    At the coming of the 20 th century , Chinese literature entered a new stage in development of modernization .

  3. 但是,伴随日本政府侵华野心的膨胀,教育交流成为其军事扩张的工具,最终走上了对华教育侵略的不归之路。

    But in the wake of an ambitious expansion , Japanese government resorted to educational exchanges as a tool of its military expansion .

  4. 在感情上我已是踏上了一条不归之路,可日后路上有你送的花香伴随,何愁寂寞呢?

    I have stepped onto a non-return road in love , but , with the rose you sent to accompany me on my road , why should I worry about loneliness ?

  5. 自然环境的日益恶化,人类生存面临的双重危机,更坚定了他重建人与自然和谐关系的决心,从此便踏上了探索的不归之路。

    The worsening natural environment and the double crisis confronting human beings urged him to probe for a way to reestablish a harmonious relation between men and nature and he never retreated .

  6. 随着中外资银行之间全方位竞争时代的逼近,中国银行业的改革已经走上了一条充满希望同时也是充满坎坷的不归之路。

    Along with omni-directional competition era between banks in China and abroad approaching , the Chinese banking industry reform has been on a promising road full of bumps and of no return at the same time .

  7. 路径依赖使得惯性的力量把人们带入定势的死角,人们一旦选择了某个制度,就好比走上了一条不归之路,把这个制度不断自我强化,让自己轻易走不出去。

    Path dependence makes power of inertia to lead people into the set of dead angle . Once people chose some system , they will strengthen this system . And they cannot go out walk casually .

  8. 通过对问题的分析,笔者认为巴以和平谈判已踏上不归之路,和平是大势所趋,但中东和平进程任重而道远。

    Through analysis of the problem , I think that the Palestinian-Israeli peace talk has set foot on non-return road , peace is a general trend , but the Middle East peace process long way to go .

  9. 而有的人,则是只看到了利益,却忽视了相伴而生的风险,高歌猛进,甚至铤而走险,走上一条不归之路。

    And some people , have only seen the interests , has ignored the risk accompanied and grown , advance triumphantly , even make a desperate move , go on one and does not belong to its way .