
  1. 她一副无事不登三宝殿的神情,很明显,这不是一次随意造访。

    She had a purposeful air , and it became evident that this was not a casual visit .

  2. 【目的】引进日本儿童慢性疲劳综合症(childrenchronicfatiguesyndrome,CCFS)所致学校拒绝(不登校)的诊断基准并初步探讨国内中学生慢性疲劳综合症所致学校拒绝的发生现况。

    【 Objective 】 To introduce the diagnostic criteria of Japan about children chronic fatigue syndrome-school refusal and explore the occurrence status among domestic middle school students .

  3. 最近几年,城内涌现出的大批餐馆与俱乐部让这个城市的转型尘埃落定。引领转变的是飞速发展的红灯区,比如MaxieEisen这样地方,白天是个熟食餐馆,晚上就成了地下酒吧,它展现的性感也并非不登大雅之堂。

    A recent boom of restaurants and clubs , though , makes the case for permanent placement . Leading the city 's transformation is its fast-evolving red light district , where spots like Maxie Eisen , a deli-style cafe by day and a speakeasy-inspired bar by night , offer a sexiness that isn 't unseemly .

  4. 不登高山,不知天高;不临深渊,不知地厚。(谚语)

    Without climbing mountains , no one can know the height of heaven .

  5. 西画在中国人眼里太实,不登大雅之堂。

    Western painting too real in the eyes of the Chinese people , unrefined .

  6. 我无事不登三宝殿,所以便来找你。

    I no thing dun come three palace , so I come to find you .

  7. 那你登不登?

    Are you going to register ?

  8. 为什么不登一个广告找你丢了的狗?没有,我的狗又不识字。

    Why don 't you advertise for your lost dog ? No , it can 't read .

  9. 风度来说,完全是自命不凡,其实却不登大雅之堂,真叫人受不了。”

    and in her air altogether , there is a self-sufficiency without fashion which is intolerable . "

  10. 无事不登三宝殿呢。艾伦,我需要你的帮助。

    One never goes to the temple for no reason . I need your help , Allen .

  11. 一些以前被认为是不登大雅之堂的行业开始受到更多重视。

    A number of trades , previously thought of as lowly ones , began to receive more attention .

  12. 不登广告、假正义,而是在社会上结识的。

    Don 't just place ads and leave , but instead get to know those in the community .

  13. 这是十二宫黄道带中最不登对的组合之一,虽然我听说过有很融洽的组合。

    This is one of the oddest combinations in the zodiac , although I hear of it working all the time .

  14. 他们可以在鱼和鱼油,不登大雅之堂植物油原料坚果,种子和豆类。

    They can be found in fish and fish oil , unrefined vegetable oils , raw nuts , seeds and beans .

  15. 我开始这一项目之一希望能最好地利用加湿器有一个大尺寸和不登大雅之堂的设计。

    I started this project with one hope to make the best use of a humidifier having a large size and an unrefined design .

  16. 我们这里为了阐明悲剧歌队所述的这种艺术原始现象,学者们对于艺术初步发展过程的看法比较起来,几乎是不登大雅之堂的。

    Our scholarly ideas of elementary artistic process are likely to be offended by the primitive events which I have adduced here to explain the tragic chorus .

  17. 在一个期间内不登或少登正面意见,对错误意见不作反批评,是错了吗?

    Was it wrong for a while to refrain from publishing any positive views or to publish only a few and to let erroneous views go unrefuted ?

  18. 下次单独参加公司活动时,我建议你看看一些人的妻子是多么不登大雅之堂,以此安慰自己。

    Next time you go on your own to a corporate do , I suggest you comfort yourself by looking at how unpresentable some of the other wives are .

  19. 但是丘坛的祭司不登耶路撒冷耶和华的坛,只在他们弟兄中间吃无酵饼。

    Still the priests of the high places never came up to the altar of the Lord in jerusalem ; but they took their food of unleavened bread among their brothers .

  20. 因为早先不登大雅之堂的座便器、台盆、龙头等等,如今都是室内景观的一部分了。

    Because in the past of the not appeal to refined taste implement , stage basin , bibcock is waited a moment , nowadays is the one part of indoor landscape .

  21. 我对此很理解,但我的同事以及和我有业务联系的人似乎认为,要么是我妻子不登大雅之堂,要么就是我们的婚姻遇到了麻烦。

    I understand , but my colleagues and work contacts seem to think that either my wife is unpresentable or my marriage is in trouble – neither of which is true .

  22. 他们是神的难友,同时也是从宇宙心灵里道破真理的智者。由此便产生这个幻想的,似乎不登大雅之堂的形象,聪明而又有灵感的萨提儿的形象。萨提儿比起酒神来可以说是“哑角”。

    Thus we see how that fantastic and at first sight embarrassing figure arises , the wise and enthusiastic satyr who is at the same time the " simpleton " as opposed to the god .

  23. 不登高山,不知天之厚也;不临深渊,不知地之厚也。

    One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth , if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss .

  24. 本市的住址簿上查不到登启事人留下的那个回信地址.此为f。O。b。横滨实盘,有效期为本地时间星期一收到回电。

    The city directory showed no such return address as the advertiser had left . We offer firm FOB yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time .

  25. 这些马又累又病,不可能登上高原。

    They were tired and ill and they could not walk up to the plateau .

  26. 我不小心登上了一架飞机。

    I accidentally got on a plane .

  27. 在芝加哥谁不想登上希尔斯大楼呢?

    Maybe no one in Chicago who does not want to ascend the Sears Tower .

  28. 今天你愿不愿意登上神的救生艇,就是圣诞节所纪念的耶稣基督。

    Will you come today and enter into God 's lifeboat , the Christ of Christmas ?

  29. 见此情景,犍陀多又惊又怕,有好一忽儿傻不愣登张着嘴,眨巴着眼睛。

    Seeing this , surprise and fear kept Kandata hanging there for a time with mouth open and eyes blinking like a fool .

  30. 正如我经常对美国年轻认说的那样,你不需要登上飞机才能成为公民外交官。

    And as I always tell young people back in America , you dont need to get on a plane to be a citizen diplomat .