
  • 网络the eagles;EAGLE;hotel california
  1. 1970年,他创建了孕育出老鹰乐队(TheEagles)和约尼•米切尔(JoniMitchell)等艺人的AsylumRecords唱片公司,进一步增强了影响力。

    He made a bigger impact in 1970 with the launch of Asylum Records , which nurtured actsincluding The Eagles and Joni Mitchell .

  2. 另一家市场调研公司CCSInsight的本.伍德认为,苹果的计划更像是加州旅馆(老鹰乐队的歌):你可以随时退房,但却永远不会离开。

    For Ben Wood of CCS Insight , another market-research firm , Apple 's plan is to be even more like the Hotel California ( as in the Eagles ' song ), where you can check out any time you like , but you can never leave .

  3. 酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。

    Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each , while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece .

  4. 科伊斯·布鲁克斯的新个人专辑《这个镇上的新面孔》不仅邀请到了老鹰乐队的吉他手乔·沃尔什。

    The title track to Kix Brooks'new solo album " New To This Town " features Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh .

  5. 2010年12月26日近日有消息称,美国重量级乐队老鹰乐队将于明年三月首次来中国内地开唱。

    2010-12-26 Local Chinese media are reporting that American rock band the Eagles will have their first concerts on the Chinese mainland in March .