
  1. 设计了求解这组耳相耦合方程组的数值编码。

    A numerical code for solving these coupled equations is designed .

  2. 侧面轮廓与人耳特征相结合的人耳检测与识别

    Human Ear Detection and Recognition Based on Face Profile and Ear Feature

  3. 方法采用行为测听和耳声发射相结合的方法测听。

    Methods All subjects were tested " PASS " through distortion-product otoacoustic emission ( DPOAE ), then the behavior acoustic test was made .

  4. PASC依据数字声频中两个新的原理:与人耳的听觉特性相适应原理和有效的自适原应理。

    PASC achieves highly efficient sound registration by applying two principles absolutely new to digital audio : it is adapted to the natural charateristics of the human ear , and it use a highly intelligent and efficient " adaptive " notation .