
  1. 还有实验数据揭示在一个核小体中,组蛋白和DNA相互作用有三个作用很强烈的区域。

    Furthermore , experimental data revealed that three regions of strong interactions between core histones and DNA sequences in a nucleosome .

  2. MEG钻井液与地层作用的整个过程大致可以分为自由扩散作用、吸附作用和渗透作用三个作用阶段。

    The reaction process between MEG drilling fluid and formation may include diffusion , absorption and osmosis .

  3. 当然,这三个作用是紧密相联的。

    Of course these three points are closely connected with one another .

  4. 这种预见有三个作用。

    The foresight functions in three ways .

  5. 再次,对违宪审查制度的第三个作用&解决宪法冲突进行了全面的阐述。

    Part III of the Constitution is divided into solution to the conflict - the role of unconstitutional censorship of the three .

  6. 在一个冷却塔里,当发生蒸发而且水分被带上塔顶时,所有这三个作用都出现了。

    In a cooling tower , all three effects occur as evaporation takes place and the moisture is carried up the tower .

  7. 高师教育实习应当纳入科学管理的轨道&试析带队教师的组织·管理·沟通三个作用论我国师范院校教育实习的模式

    Educational Practice Should be Brought into the Track of Scientific Management On the form of teachers college education practice and teaching manage in our country

  8. 定量分析了水耕植物过滤法中影响溶解性氮、磷去除的因素:植物吸收、底泥释放及生物脱氮三个作用。

    The factors such as plant absorption , sediment release and denitrification that affect the removal of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus by hydroponic bio-filter method ( HBFM ) were analyzed quantitatively .

  9. 现有波束角效应模型应用分段解析几何的方法将其划分为三个作用过程:测深值平移效应、双曲线增伪效应、深度丢失效应。

    The model of the effect of beam-width in existence can be divided into three parts by the way of subsection analytic geometry : shift effect , hyperbolic extension effect and depth lost effect .

  10. 文章具体阐述和分析了形象思维在物理学中的三个作用,并且通过实例说明了它在物理实验教学、概念和规律教学、解题教学中的体现。

    This article specifically illustrates and analyses three functions of image thinking in physics . Then interprets with examples its embodiment in Experimental Teaching in physics , Concept and law Teaching and Problem solving Teaching .

  11. 据我所知,帽子有三个作用:遮住你的头部以在上帝面前表示谦逊;保暖;保护眼睛和面部不受阳光直射。

    As far as I know , a hat serves three purposes : it covers your head in acknowledgement of humility before God ; it keeps you warm ; and it shields your eyes and face from the sun .

  12. 三个激励作用下滞后非线性系统的组合共振及分叉

    Bifurcation and Combination Resonance of the Hysteretic Nonlinear System with Three-frequency Excitation

  13. 管理层持股的契约模型表明管理层持股能通过激励、信息传递机制和控制权分配三个渠道作用于公司治理结构和影响公司治理绩效。

    Management stock position can influence corporate governance through incentive , signaling and corporate control distribution .

  14. 发挥三个代表作用与高校师德建设

    Bringing the function into play of " Three representatives of CPC " and constructing the teachers ' morals in universities

  15. 由此,研究者运用凯恩夫妇提出的有意义学习理论中所涉及的三个相互作用的要素,分析了这些因素的特点。

    Therefore , the author cites the three interacted factors in the Caines ' significant learning theory to analyze their characteristics .

  16. 从成矿物质的源、运、移三个成矿作用机制,提出铜矿床为岩浆成因型矿床。

    According to mineralization mechanism of source-migrate-move , this paper contains that copper ore deposit belong to type of magmatic genesis .

  17. 三个变质作用阶段的特征是:前榴辉相阶段为中压相系绿帘角闪岩相;

    The characteristics of three metamorphic stages are as follows : before the eclogite-facies stage which is middle-pressure epidote amphibolite facies ;

  18. 弗洛伊德认为,人格结构有三个相互作用的部分构成,即本我、自我和超我。

    According to Freud , the mental apparatus consists of three interactive parts : the id , the ego and the superego .

  19. 然后随打浆的进行而不断升高。产生这种变化的根本原因是打浆对纤维的三个主要作用即切短、内部细纤维化和外部细纤维化。

    The basic cause resulting in this change is the three main effects of beating , i.e. , shortening , internal and external fibrillation .

  20. 然后分析了人口红利影响经济的内在机制,即人口红利是通过影响储蓄率、公共投资和人力资本这三个因素作用于经济。

    Then it analyzes the intrinsic mechanisms of how demographic dividend influence economic growth through the savings rate , public investment and human capital in the economy .

  21. 在生态文明的当代,企业的环境公关活动中包含了哲学价值追求的三个基本作用:即以绿色形象作为企业追求的价值目标;利用公益广告等作为价值追求的手段;

    In our contemporary ecological civilization , EPR activities of a corporation involve a value pursuit of a green image aimed at ecological standards and obtained through commercial advertising .

  22. 本文论述了工业设计的三个创造作用,有力地证明了工业设计是创造优良产品必不可少的手段。

    Next , this paper discusses the three aspects of the creative function to effectively prove the Industrial Design is an absultly necessary means to creat a choice product .

  23. 从19世纪60年代中期到19世纪80年代中期,改变了美国高等教育并使其现代化的激变有三个互相作用的因素。

    To produce the upheaval in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid1860 's to the mid1880 's , three primary causes interacted .

  24. 高等学校因其文化教育场所的特殊地位,在发挥三个代表作用上具有着突出的重要性。教师是发挥这一作用的关键力量。

    A university , as a special place of education , is important in bringing the function into play of " Three representatives of CPC " , in which the teachers play an important role .

  25. 在家庭、社区、大众心态这三个相互作用又制约的三个层面中,商品经济的发展是推动其不断变迁的内在动力。

    Continuous changes were found within the three mutually conditioning as well as interacting levels of the family , the community and mass psychology , with the development of a commercial economy functioning as the internal dynamism .

  26. 利用数值方法研究了三个相互作用的二能级原子构成的环的非线性动力学行为.计算结果表明,对不同的非线性参数,系统呈现出丰富的非线性动力学行为。

    The nonlinear dynamical method to study the dynamical behaviors of a cyclic system of interacting three atoms at two energy level was used . A procedure for the parameter estimation of nonlinear parametric structural system is presented .

  27. 美国高等教育的革命从19世纪60年代中期到19世纪80年代中期,改变了美国高等教育并使其现代化的激变有三个互相作用的因素。

    The Revolution in American Higher Education To produce the upheaval in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid 1860 's to the mid 1880 's , three primary causes interacted .

  28. 文章的重点分为两个方面:一、价值维度:空间共享性、尺度宜人性和街道景观性是本文研究对象对城市和市民的三个重要作用,也是其对于市民城市生活的主要价值表现。

    The article mainly focuses on two aspects : Firstly : the dimensions of the value . Three key attributes of the Public Internal Corner Space are : Shared for all citizens ; Scale is more suitable to people and It is landscape .

  29. 最后,本文还探讨了个体特质诸因素是如何与Lazarus的应对模型中三个评估相互作用,以影响个体应对方式这一过程。

    In the final , it is explored the process in which the traits influence the coping method by the three valuation of the Lazarus ' process model .

  30. 按照SCP-R的研究范式,本文首先考察在需求波动、资产专用性和契约不完全性这三个因素的作用下,基于厂商的私人激励,煤炭与电力企业将如何对纵向安排进行选择。

    According to SCP-R paradigm , the paper investigates how coal and electricity firms select vertical arrangements based on private incentives under the effects of demand fluctuation , assets specification and incompleteness of contracts .