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  1. 成人下颌第三磨牙先天性缺失的调查与分析

    A research of the absence of the third mandibular molar

  2. 本文报告三例先天性精阜增生症。

    This paper reports 3 cases of congenital hyperplasia of the verumontanum .

  3. 人有感性、知性和理性三种先天认识能力。

    Human beings have three kinds congenital recognition abilities of perceptual , understanding and reason .

  4. 结果:在全部病人中,第三磨牙先天缺失率以人数计为32.63%、以牙胚数计为18.72%;

    RESULTS : The incidence of congenital missing of the third molars was 32.63 % by the number of people and 18.72 % by the number of tooth germs .

  5. 目的:探讨外观呈三鼻孔样先天性鼻畸形的分类与诊断,以期为临床提供较为规范的诊断标准。

    Objective To discuss the classification and diagnosis of congenital nasal malformation with triple nostrils appearance and put forward a diagnostic criterion for the clinical practice .

  6. 监测结果表明,在该院分娩的围生儿的严重出生缺陷发生率为73.46/万,前三位分别为先天性脑积水、先天性心脏病和唇裂合并腭裂的发生率;

    Results : The results showed that the incidence of severe birth defect was 73.46 / 10000 , and congenital hydrocephalus , congenital anomalies of heart and cleft lip with cleft palate were the first three severe birth defect s ;

  7. 结果2004年通州地区围产儿死亡率为3.86%,先天畸形、脐带因素、早产儿分别为死亡的前三位原因,先天畸形的发生率明显高于前5年。

    Results The perinatal infant mortality in Tongzhou district in 2004 was 3.86 % , the leading causes were congenital deformities , umbilical cord related problems and premature birth . The incidence of congenital deformities was significantly higher than 5 years ago .