
  1. 改善教师职业道德行为和习惯;

    Second , Improve the teachers ' occupational morality behavior and habits .

  2. 作为旅行社运营的重要角色,计调人员应具备本行业要求的职业素养,即职业道德、职业意识、职业行为习惯和职业技能。

    As an important role in travel agency , the tour operators should have necessary professional quality , i.e.professional ethics , awareness , behavior and habit , and skills .

  3. 对于青年时期的大学生的职业思想观念、职业价值取向、职业思维方式、职业行为习惯等诸多方面都会受到这些变化发展的影响。

    Meanwhile , the professional conceptions , value orientations , ways of thinking , and behavioral habits of college students have been influenced profoundly in their youthful days .

  4. 这个过程就是由提高职业精神的认知、陶冶职业精神情感、磨练职业精神的意志、培养职业精神信念、养成符合职业精神要求的行为习惯五部分相互作用而成。

    This process gradually comes into being , according to enhancing professional spiritual the cognition , influencing the professional mental emotion , disciplining the professional spiritual will , the raising professional mental faith , fostering conforms to the professional spiritual request behavior five parts .