
zhí nénɡ bù mén
  • functional department;operating division
  1. EVA理念指导下的职能部门业绩评价体系设计

    Performance Appraisal System Design of Functional Department under the Guide of EVA Idea

  2. 再运用目标矩阵分解图进行强相关分析,将这些策略性目标与南电相应的职能部门进行匹配,利用因果关系图分解形成部门级KPI;然后由部门KPI和工作分析得出员工岗位的KPI。

    And then , using the matrix decomposition chart of goal to do better correlation analysis , matching the tactic goal with the functional department the power station , utilizing causality picture is it Forming department magnitudes of KPI to resolve ;

  3. 各家公司都在摒弃传统的职能部门,组织员工构建跨领琙团队,专注研究某些特定的产品、问题及客户群。

    Companies are abandoning conventional functional departments and organising employees into cross-disciplinary teams that focus on particular products , problems or customers .

  4. 问谁的责?办法明确,地方政府及有关职能部门、各类学校和其他教育机构以及有关工作人员如存在阻碍教育发展的问题,按规定进行问责。

    Local governments , related departments , schools and other educational institutions , as well as related staff members , shall be held accountable for activities that hamper3 the development of education , it said .

  5. 必要时为HR其他职能部门提供支持。

    Some supportive work for other functions in HR when necessary .

  6. SAP系统监控着所有职能部门的成本和收入。

    SAP system supervises the cost and income of all functional departments .

  7. BPR过程中企业职能部门设计的研究

    A study on the design of section of enterprises in the course of BPR

  8. XY公司职能部门绩效管理体系研究

    The Research on Functional Departments Performance Management System of XY Company

  9. 随着技术的不断成熟,科技公司和职能部门已开始转移(或者至少已经在尝试转移)到面向服务的体系架构(SOA)模型。

    As technology has matured , technology companies and functions have moved or at least have tried to move to a service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) model .

  10. 裁减方案将于下月公布,预计将影响到花旗美国及海外业务的所有部门,不过重点将放在后台及“中台”(middleoffice)职能部门。

    The cuts , due to be unveiled next month , are expected to affect all parts of Citigroup business in the US and overseas although the focus will be on back and middle office functions .

  11. 典型地说,EPMO是设立在大型企业或组织中的职能部门。

    Typically , an EPMO is a function found in large enterprises or organizations .

  12. 说明ERP功能模块在企业管理中发挥了很好的作用,企业的资金运转状况有了明显改观,企业业务职能部门信息流畅、计划协调改善。

    Explained that the ERP functional played the very good role in the business management , revolution condition had a new look obviously , the business events Functional departments information was smooth , plan coordinated improvement .

  13. 他可能会掌管一个职能部门,比如产品或工程,或者,他拥有更广泛的运营职权,挂着COO头衔。

    He may run a function , such as product or engineering , or they have a broader operational role and carry a coo title .

  14. 为了全面提高企业的管理水平,本文将CMM方法应用到IT企业的管理职能部门工作研究中,建立出了IT企业管理职能部门的成熟度模型。

    In order to improve the whole management , the paper introduces the CMM into function management department of IT enterprise and build up the IT enterprise 's function management department CMM .

  15. EPMO“拥有”组织的项目经理,并且作为它们的资源管理职能部门。

    The EPMO " owns " the organization 's project managers , and acts as a resource management function for them .

  16. 在产品生命周期中,BOM贯穿了设计、工艺、制造、计划、采购、销售、财务等几乎所有职能部门,各部门按照本部门的需要定制了各种BOM。

    During the product life cycle , BOM runs through almost all departments including designing , process planning , manufacturing , ordering , sale and finance , which make their own BOM according to their needs .

  17. 同时,利用VB初步实现了管道寿命预测功能,可以对管道的腐蚀状况进行科学的、及时的预测,为油田职能部门的日常管理和决策提供科学依据。

    Furthermore , the service life can be predicted by VB and a scientific timely prediction of corrosion status of pipelines can be realized . It provides a reliable basis for the functional management departments in their routine management and decision making .

  18. 公钥基础设施(PKI)是目前网络安全建设的基础与核心,是电子商务安全实施的基本保障,认证机构(CA)也成为网上信息安全的关键职能部门。

    At present , PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) is the basis and core of network security construction , as well as the safeguard for the implementation of E-commerce , so that CAs ( Certification Authorities ) become the key functions of information security on networks .

  19. 文中通过对BOM转换机制等方面的研究,探讨了企业核心信息模型的内容、结构、工作原理及其与主要职能部门的信息交换关系。

    Through deep researching about BOM converting mechanism and so on , the paper discuss the content 、 structure 、 principle of enterprise core information model oriented to process and the information exchange between the modal and main function departments is also mentioned .

  20. 政府职能部门增值业务方面需求联络,落实;

    Government functional departments increment service aspect demand contact , realization ;

  21. 职能部门专业分工旨在提高效率。

    The labor division of functional departments aims at efficiency improvement .

  22. 关于加强海事职能部门建设的探讨

    Discussion constructs which about the enhancement maritime affair functional departments

  23. 该模型由部分职能部门和专项项目管理部门组成。

    Those models were formed parts of function departments and particularly departments .

  24. 对医院职能部门中层干部综合评价体系的探索

    Exploration of an evaluation system for leaders of functional department in hospital

  25. 建立所属职能部门的汇报关系和运作程序。

    Establish departmental reporting relationships and operating processes and procedures .

  26. 高校职能部门在学生科研训练中的作用初探

    Effect of Functional Departments in Colleges and Students Scientific Research

  27. 其科层结构平整、职能部门间分工明确、高效协作。

    Its function departments is clear and have efficient collaboration .

  28. 但对于各职能部门的绩效考核,却没有起到有效改善其工作绩效的作用。

    Nevertheless , performance evaluation on administration is not effective as expected .

  29. 政府职能部门电子政务战略规划研究

    Study on the Electronics Governmental Strategic Programming of the Government Working Talent Section

  30. 组委会可以成立专门的职能部门办理费率卡事宜。

    The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Rate Card aspects .