
chánɡ xì mó
  • mesentery;mesenterium
  1. 门静脉高压症大鼠肠系膜组织内皮素B受体表达的变化

    Expression of Endothelin-B Receptor in the Mesentery of Portal Hypertension Rats

  2. 儿童肠及肠系膜钝性创伤的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of bowel and mesentery blunt injury in children

  3. 肠系膜根部基底宽阔的附着面使小肠得以稳定

    The broadbased attachment of the mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel .

  4. 肠系膜上动脉的CT解剖及临床意义

    CT anatomy of SMA and its clinical application

  5. 结论多层螺旋CT是诊断肠系膜脂膜炎非常有用的影像手段。

    Conclusion Multislice helical CT is very useful for the diagnosis of mesenteric panniculitis .

  6. X线检查是主要诊断手段,B超、CT、内镜、肠系膜血管造影也有助于诊断。

    The main diagnostic methods were X-ray , B-ultrasonic , CT , endoscopy and superior mesenteric arteriography .

  7. 结论银杏内酯B可以减少急性胆管炎时肠道细菌向肠系膜淋巴结和远位器官的移位,并对肠粘膜屏障和肝等组织器官有保护作用。

    Conclusions Ginkgolide B can reduce the bacteria translocation and protect the barrier of the intestinal mucosa and liver .

  8. CT评价急性胰腺炎疗效一个新指标:肠系膜上动脉与静脉比值

    A New Criterion in Acute Pancreatitis with CT : Artery to Vein Ratio Using the Superior Mesenteric Vessels

  9. 荧光分光光度法测定主动脉及肠系膜血管床AGEs的水平;

    The contents of AGEs in aorta and mesenteric vessel were detected by fluorospectrophotometry .

  10. 方法行下腔静脉介入治疗(球囊扩张加支架植入术)及肠系膜上静脉下腔静脉C型分流术。

    Methods Five patients with Budd Chiari Syndrome underwent interventional treatment ( balloon dilatation and endovascular stents ) and M C C shunt .

  11. 目的评价CT对急性肠系膜血管梗塞(AMI)的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine the diagnostic value of CT in acute mesenteric infarction ( AMI ) .

  12. ERK1/2通路参与ETA和ETB受体介导的离体肠系膜上动脉收缩研究

    Involvement of ERK1 / 2 pathway in endothelin ET _A and ET_B receptor-mediated contraction in isolated rat mesenteric artery

  13. 结论:福辛普利可明显抑制SAD大鼠肠系膜阻力血管的结构改变。

    CONCLUSION : Fosinopril can efficiently inhibit the structural changes of mesenteric resistance vessels in SAD rats .

  14. 大鼠实验性肠系膜上动脉闭塞性休克时胃窦粘膜D和G细胞免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical study of d - and G-cells in the antral mucosa of the rats during superior mesenteric artery occlusion ( smao ) shock

  15. CT和MRI检查对确诊有辅助意义,选择性肠系膜血管造影是诊断的较特异方法。

    CT , MRI are helpful for diagnosis , but the selective mesenteric angiography is the most special method for diagnosis of the disease .

  16. 肠系膜细动脉平滑肌细胞的分离及其ATP敏感钾通道特性

    Isolation of mesenteric arteriolar smooth muscle cells and the characterization of its ATP sensitive potassium channels

  17. 结论急性肠系膜静脉血栓形成较易误诊,CT是较敏感的检查方法,对诊断有积极的作用。

    Conclusion It is easy to misdiagnosed patients with acute mesenteric thrombosis and CT test is a sensitive test method and it plays an active role in diagnosis .

  18. 分析肠系膜上动、静脉CTA对于小肠扭转的诊断价值。

    The efficacy of CTA of mesenteric vascular in diagnosing SBV was evaluated .

  19. 小肠RNA对受~(60)Coγ射线照射后小鼠肠系膜淋巴结细菌移位和血中内毒素含量的影响

    Effects of intestinal RNA on MLN bacterial translocation and endotoxin in blood of mice after abdominal ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - irradiation

  20. 方法回顾性分析9例肠系膜脂膜炎的CT表现与诊断,其中3例经组织病理学证实,其余按照CT标准做出诊断。

    Methods Nine patients with mesenteric panniculitis , which were diagnosed according to the CT criteria ( 3 cases had histopathologic results ), were analyzed retrospectively in this study .

  21. 肠系膜DT可导致肠梗阻、肠缺血、肾盂积水和瘘管。

    Mesenteric DT can cause obstruction and ischemia of intestine , hydronephrosis and fistula .

  22. 除正常组和假手术组外,其余5组均采用夹闭肠系膜上动脉方法复制肠I/R模型。

    Except normal group and sham group , the other 5 groups are clapped with clippers in superior mesenteric artery to set up intestine I / R model .

  23. Urocortin对自发性高血压大鼠肠系膜动脉血管重构的作用和大鼠心肌细胞浆膜KATP通道的作用

    Effects of Urocortin on Mesenteric Arterial Remodeling and Cardiac Sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive K ~ + Channels in Rats

  24. 结果:在卵黄囊、原肠、背侧肠系膜和生殖嵴处有AP强阳性细胞,阳性信号位于胞质内。

    Results : Human PGCs with AP were observed in yolk sac , primitive gut , dorsal mesenteries and genital ridges .

  25. 减少大鼠离体肠系膜上动脉ET_1的基础释放及凝血酶刺激的ET1释放。

    And PGI_2 reduced basic ET-1 release and thrombin-induced ET_1 release from isolated mesenteric artery .

  26. 结论:26周龄SHR左心室与肠系膜动脉有明显的重塑现象;

    Conclusion : Remolding of left ventricle and resistance vessel in 26 weeks SHR is obvious ;

  27. 方法采用肠系膜上动脉(SAM)夹闭法建立大鼠肠缺血再灌注模型。

    Methods The superior mesenteric artery was occluded and then released to produce the model of small intestine ischemia reperfusion in rats .

  28. 离体肠系膜动脉研究发现刺激D3受体可舒张动脉血管。

    Vaso-relaxation was found in ex-vivo isolated mesenteric artery when D_3 receptor was stimulated .

  29. 方法:对88例肝静脉闭塞型布加综合征患者采用人工血管肠系膜上静脉下腔静脉C形架桥联合门奇断流术、脾动脉结扎或脾大部切除术进行治疗。

    Methods : A total of 88 cases of B CS with hepatic venous occlusion underwent combined mesocaval C shunt with artificial vascular graft , pericardial devascularization , ligation of splenic artery or subtotal splenectomy .

  30. T1期乙状结肠癌淋巴结转移的分布:是否结扎肠系膜下动脉?

    Distribution of lymph node metastasis in T1 sigmoid colon carcinoma : Should we ligate the inferior mesenteric artery ?