
  • 网络Stock value
  1. 经济附加值模型和高科技股值的评估

    Economic Value Added Model and the Appraisal of High-Tech stock Worth

  2. 到时候那些股值&能值多少钱?

    Then the shares will be worth & how much ?

  3. 如果将收益进行再投资,在42年之内,你的股值会翻上67倍。

    That return reinvested over 42 years will multiply your stake 67 times .

  4. 合并后电盈股东得益将主要来自股值增长,并非股息。

    The merger would make us a growth company , not a dividend company .

  5. 而从下至上的选择股票方式,无视市场和行业因素,重点是选择市值低于股值的股票,认为公司本身是决定回报的最重要因素。

    The bottom-up or stock picking approach believes in finding stocks that are undervalued which can provide superior returns irrespective of the market and industry factors . The company effect is the dominant factor in determining stock return .