
ɡǔ fèn hé zuò qǐ yè
  • cooperative stock enterprise;cooperative equity enterprise
  1. 第三部分:股份合作企业的财产权。

    Part III : The property of the cooperative stock enterprises .

  2. 论股份合作企业的法律形态

    On the Legal Pattern of the Cooperative Shares Corporation

  3. 论小股东的弱势地位及其法律救济&兼评股份合作企业的制度缺陷

    On Minor Position and Legal Relief of Small Shareholders

  4. 农村股份合作企业产权制度的理论分析

    A Theoretical Study of the Ownership System in Cooperative Enterprises in the Country

  5. 建立和完善农村股份合作企业财务会计制度的思考

    Thinking about establishment and perfection financial and accounting rules of the enterprise of rural joint stock Association

  6. 而对于农户、土地股份合作企业和地方政府而言,制度创新所带来的预期收益及其付出的成本各不相同,因此,论文针对不同的制度创新主体,进行了主体的成本-收益分析。

    But the expected benefits and costs are different between peasant households , farmland stock-cooperation ventures and local government .

  7. 制定《股份合作企业法》是保护小股东应有权利的唯一选择。

    To adopt a " Share Cooperation Enterprise Law " is the only choice that small shareholders can make to protect their rights .

  8. 股份合作企业立法既要符合企业立法的一般原则,又要充分考虑股份合作企业的特殊性。

    The legislation for the cooperative stock enterprises should conform the general principle , as well as , consider the particularity of the cooperative stock enterprises .

  9. 农村股份合作企业的产权安排表现出以股份制原则为核心、少量的保留合作制某些因素的特点。

    Ownership in cooperative enterprises in the country is characterized by its focus on the principle of joint stock while retaining some elements of the cooperative system .

  10. 从股份合作制企业的性质看其表决权

    Nature of a Joint stock Enterprise and the Right to Vote

  11. 股份合作制企业收入分配制度及其模式

    System and Model of income Distribution in a Stock Cooperative Enterprise

  12. 股份合作制企业中劳动权与股东权的冲突初探

    Confliction between labour rights and shareholder in share cooperation enterprises

  13. 股份合作制企业法律运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating Mechanism of the Share Cooperation System

  14. 关于煤炭行业发展股份合作制企业的若干意见

    Views on developing joint-stock cooperative enterprises in the coal industry

  15. 股份合作制企业财务会计实务研究

    Research on the Financial Accounting Practice of Stock Cooperative Enterprises

  16. 与我国股份合作制企业相比,西方股金合作制企业的产权安排更为规范、稳定、可行,其弊端可以在保持劳动合作基本特征的前提下加以校正。

    After a compare of property rights between cooperative firms in China .

  17. 基于成本最小化的股份合作制企业最佳机制设计

    Optimal mechanism design about stock cooperation system enterprise on basis of cost minimization

  18. 透析股份合作制企业的合作精神

    Analyzing the Cooperative spirit in Share Cooperating Enterprise

  19. 股份合作制企业推行资产经营责任制的管理办法

    Management Measures for Stock Co-operative System Enterprises to Carry Out Assets Operative Responsibility System

  20. 我们公司是一家股份制合作企业?

    Our company is a share-holding cooperation venture .

  21. 第四章分析了我国农村股份合作制企业的现状。

    Chapter four concentrates on the analysis of share-holding cooperative economy system of rural China .

  22. 关于股份合作制企业运行效率的再探讨

    On Operational Efficiency of Shares-Cooperation-System Enterprise

  23. 北京奥运会招募志愿者股份合作制企业股本的设置

    Beijing 's Olympic Volunteer Team Capital stock set - up of share co - operative enterprises

  24. 盈余管理与制度失效&股份合作制企业以会计利润为依据的激励制度和分配结构安排的缺陷

    Profits Management and Institution Invalidation & Defects of Stimulating Institution Based on Accounting Profits and Distr

  25. 用职工持股推进我国股份合作制企业改制

    Promoting the stock-cooperation corporation to reform to the stock company by applying the ESOP in China

  26. 浅论股份合作制企业中的有关产权性质及权利配置

    Brief discussion on character of relevant property right and distribution rights in the share cooperative enterprise

  27. 论股份合作制企业的相关财务问题

    Financial Problems of Stock Corporation

  28. 股份合作制企业集体资产的置换管理与运营

    Analysis on Replacement Management and Running of the Collectively - owned Assets of the Joint Stock Company

  29. 股份合作制企业的股权结构和红利分配的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the ownership right structure and dividend distribution in enterprises operating on Shareholding and cooperative system

  30. 在制度的需求和供给框架下,论文分析了股份合作制企业作为一种制度得以确立的可行性。

    Then under the frame of institution demand and supply , the feasibility that share-holding cooperative system firms are constructed is discussed .