
  • 网络Historical Comparison Method;comparative historical analysis
  1. 多学科视野与历史比较分析方法。

    Multiple subject views and historic comparison analysis method .

  2. 分析该书运用的多种具体的历史比较研究方法;

    Fourthly , it analyzes the specific historical comparisons .

  3. 历史比较分析方法在近几十年重新受到社会科学研究者的重视。

    Recent decades have seen a dramatic proliferation of work in comparative historical analysis .

  4. 本文以外交理论并结合历史分析比较方法,将现代瑞典外交分成三个阶段,并循序分析、说明了其不结盟中立外交传统的演变过程。

    By comparative analysis , the author classify the diplomacy of Sweden into three periods to examine the transformation of Swedish non-alignment and Neutrality tradition ?

  5. 第二,从文字资料出发,运用历史比较的方法,追溯章草书的起源,划分章草书发展演变的历史阶段,归纳各阶段的字形特征,探讨章草书形体演变的动因和规律。

    Reviewing the resource of " zhang cursive writing ", and classifying the different historical periods , inducing the features of each stage , approaching the motive and regulation of the structure changes by the method of historical comparison .

  6. 采用历史比较的方法,对中古和近代的齿音开合口情况进行纵向比较,指出有5组齿音韵字在历史发展中产生了开合变化。

    The article compares the mediaeval times dental sound with the recent times dental sound longitudinally by means of the historical comparison . Five groups of dental sound character produced the changes of opening mouth and closing mouth during the historical development .

  7. 采用历史与比较的方法。

    It adopts history and parallel method .

  8. 本论文探讨的是中国画线的美学问题。用历史,比较等方法进行论述。

    This paper discusses the linear aesthetic meaning of traditional Chinese painting with historical and comparative methods and concludes the linear spirit in traditional Chinese painting .

  9. 本文运用历史方法、比较方法、交叉学科的研究方法,从法学和立法技术两方面阐释创设法律行为制度的必要性。

    This dissertation , applying historical method , functionalism and inter-disciplines approach , concentrates on the value of the theory and legislation practice of juristic acts from the perspectives of civil jurisprudence and legislation technology .

  10. 他的研究是建立在中国传统音韵学研究基础之上的,同时将西方近现代语音学、方言学与历史比较语言学研究方法系统应用于中古音研究中,取得了辉煌的成就。

    His research is based on the research of traditional Chinese phonology , and comprehensively applies the Western modern phonetics , dialectology and historical linguistics into the study of Ancient Chinese phonology , having made brilliant achievements .

  11. 文章以历史比较研究的方法,从谱式、谱字、南琶指法、管门四方面进行分析,旨在探索《文焕堂指谱》的历史价值。

    With historical comparative study , the article analyses its score formula , score character , finger model of Southern Pipa and pipe tune as four aspects to probe historical value of Wen Huan Tang Finger Score .

  12. 本文在第一章通过历史、比较的方法对中外野生动植物及制品消费行为进行历史回顾,重点论述了当代野生动植物消费的特点;

    In chapter one , the paper will use the method of history and contrast to research the consumption behaviors of wildlife and their plants and emphasize the characters of modern consumption behaviors of wildlife and their plants .

  13. 采用历史的比较分析方法,对我国城市农民工人的产生及其特征进行了分析,认为城市农民工人是个自我保障能力很弱的群体。

    By means of historic comparison , this paper analyzes the creation and special features of migrant rural workers in China . The findings show that migrant rural workers in China are a social group with weak self-security abilities .

  14. 文章运用马克思法学的基本原理,从刑罚学、刑事政策学、犯罪学等多学科,运用历史、比较的方法,对罚金刑的法律适用问题进行了较为全面的研究。

    Article use Marx the basic principles of law science , at penology , criminal policies study , not multi-disciplinary criminology , etc. , Use history , method compared , has carried on comparatively overall research to the law suitable problem of fine punishment .

  15. 本研究正是基于这一目标,对黎巴嫩和中国妇女社会地位的现实状况给予深刻思考,提出了妇女性别歧视是宗教问题还是传统问题这一问题,采取了历史-比较研究方法。

    This study is based on this target , Lebanon and the social status of Chinese women to the reality of profound thinking , presented " Women and religious issues of gender discrimination or traditional issues " on this issue , take a history - Comparative research methods .

  16. 利用语音规律来确定同源词和借词是历史比较语言学的根本方法。

    To distinguish cognate words from loanwords with phonetic laws is a basic method of historical linguistics .

  17. 文章在研究方法上主要是采用了实证分析方法,其次采用了历史和比较的分析方法。

    Article on the research method is mainly used empirical analysis , followed by a historical and comparative analysis .

  18. 除了类型化方法以外,还广泛应用了纵向历史和横向比较的方法。

    In addition to the method of " typology " , this paper also the wider use of the comparison and historical approach .

  19. 明确指出科普工作转向的文化依据,充分展示了科学文化的巨大社会功能。论文运用宏观研究与微观剖析相结合、逻辑与历史相统一、比较方法、下定义等研究方法。

    The thesis uses the following research methods : combining the macro-research with the micro-analysis , combining logics with history , comparative law and setting definition .

  20. 本文采用历史的、比较的方法系统分析了中外核安全监管体制,为我国的借鉴提供针对性和可行性。

    In this paper , the historical and comparison methods have been used to analyze the China and foreign nuclear safety regulation system , providing relevance and feasibility .

  21. 本文采用了宏观研究与微观剖析相结合、逻辑与历史相统一及比较方法等研究方法。

    In this paper , some methods have been combined together , including the macro-research and micro-analysis , the integration of logic and history , the method of comparison and so on .

  22. 研究的方法在层次上有政治学和历史学的学科性研究方法,团体理论的分析性方法,历史文本的比较研究方法和解释学方法。

    Besides approaches from politics subject and history subject , the main research approaches adopted are analysis of group theory , the comparative and interpretative method on law and text of history .

  23. 本文运用了历史分析方法、比较方法及辨证分析方法,并且结合时代背景,强调实证操作性,重在理论联系实际。

    This article used the historical analytical method , compare method , and dialectical analytical method , combined with times background , and emphasized authentic proof operability , and the importance of uniting theory with practice .

  24. 本文采用客观描述与历史比较相结合的方法,从客家岁时这一侧面揭示客家文化与中原文化的渊源和差异。

    This paper adopts a combination of objective description together with historical comparison , with a view to expounding the original conformity and the present difference between the two cultures in thr light of the Hakkas ' traditional festivals .

  25. 第三部分运用历史和比较分析的方法,归纳分析了国外政策性银行调控法律制度的现状及具体内容,力求为完善我国政策性银行调控法律制度提供借鉴。

    Chapter three draws a conclusion to the contexts and the present situation of the foreign policy bank law through the research methods of historical analysis and comparative analysis . It aims to make our policy bank law much better .

  26. 这一学科的形成除了与它形成期的社会思潮和倡导者有关外,还与历史上的运用比较方法的种种先例有着密切的联系。

    The formation of this discipline is not only related to the trend of social ideology and initiators in the period in which it took shape , but also closely associated with the precedents of utilizing the method of comparison in history .

  27. 本部分的写作目的是,运用历史的、比较的方法对不完全给付制度的基本内容进行整合分析,作为研究不完全给付责任与物之瑕疵担保责任关系的前提之一。

    The aim of this section is to analyze the basic contents of inadequate performance by the historical and comparative method , which is one precise to study the relationship between the liability of inadequate performance and the liability for warranty against defects of goods .

  28. 论文从抑商的封建思想和封建政治入手,分析商人形象在历代文学作品中的地位,以历史的、比较的方法再现三言二拍在塑造商人文学形象的里程碑意义。

    Papers from the suppression of feudal and feudal political start to analyze the business image in the status of ancient literature , to history , comparative method to reproduce the " three words " " Amazing Stories " in shaping the literary image of the landmark business .

  29. 笔者分别使用了历史、比较的法律方法对惩罚性赔偿进行了分析,明确了什么是惩罚性赔偿,它存在有什么合理性,我国应如何扩大此制度适用范围。

    In this paper , the author makes an analysis of punitive damages using the historical and comparative legal methods in order to define the concept of punitive damages , the rationality of punitive damages , and how to expand the scope of application of this system in practice .

  30. 本研究借助于前人学术贡献,采用历史学科实证、分析归纳、历史比较等方法,对元代医学教育、药品及行医管理三方面进行较为深入探讨。

    Based on the previous academic contributions , this paper adopts the empirical , inductive and comparative methods of history discipline to undertake a relatively deep discussion from the three perspectives of medical education , medicine and medical practice management .