
  1. 本文运用引力模型检验了中国的制度变量(正式与非正式制度)对中国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)的影响。

    The effects of the formal and informal institutions on inward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) to China are analyzed using the gravity model in this paper .

  2. 本文选取了M2/GDP作为影响货币需求的制度变量。

    This paper selects M2 / GDP as the institutional variable that affects the demand for money .

  3. 技术变量是经济增长的必要条件,制度变量是经济增长的充分条件。

    The technological variable is the imperative condition for the growth while the institutional variable is the sufficient condition for this growth .

  4. 本章回顾了贸易重力模型的基本形式和理论基础,并对引入制度变量的贸易重力模型的应用进行了综述。

    This chapter reviews the basic form and its theoretical foundation and overviews the usage of trade gravity models including institutional variables .

  5. 重点在于构建基于新古典增长理论的,包含制度变量的数理经济模型。

    This dissertation put emphasis on constructing a mathematical economic model with the variables of institutional factor based on the new classical growth theory .

  6. 并在博弈中通过给出制度变量,提出了帕累托改进路径。结束语。总结概述全文的基本结论。

    This chapter provides institution variable in game analysis and introduce Pareto improving approach * The complimentary close summarizes the whole paper and gives conclusions .

  7. 但是这些推测很难得到验证,因为其他政治和制度变量也会影响选民投票率、选举结果和政策产出。

    But these conjectures are difficult to verify , since other political and institutional variables intervene between voter turnout , election outcomes and policy outputs .

  8. 研究结果表明制度变量的变化对经济具有长期增长效应,并且制度应该与一定的技术水平和经济发展相适应,超越技术水平和经济发展的制度安排将阻碍经济增长,甚至会导致经济增长的倒退。

    The research findings show that changes in institutional variables have long-term growth effect . Institutions should correspond to the level of technology and economic development .

  9. 本文的目的在于探讨在环境问题全球化和全球经济一体化的情况下可持续发展战略实践中的制度变量和制度创新问题。

    The purpose of this paper was to account for the institution variable and institution innovation of implementing the sustainable development stratagem when the time was globalism .

  10. 现存的对这个问题的研究存在一些缺陷,例如,模型的成果的敏感性、样本异质、政治制度变量度量和时间尺度的选择。

    Various pitfalls of existing research are identified , like sensitivity of the outcomes to model specification , sample heterogeneity , measurement of political variables , and the treatment of the time dimension .

  11. 对于我国海洋捕捞业,一些制度变量显著的影响着它的发展,其中尤以入世、双控制度、休渔制度以及零增长制度最为直接。

    For the marine fishing industry , many institutional factors influence its development . The WTO entry ," Double-Control " system , fishing-preventing system and " Zero-growth " system have direct impact in particular .

  12. 在借鉴经典劳动力转移模型的基础上,引入制度变量,重新构造基于中国制度背景的农村劳动力转移决策模型。

    In refer to the foundation of the classical transfer model of labor force , lead into system variable , and based Chinese system background , construct the decision model of rural labor force transfer .

  13. 在九个经济制度安排变量中对一国贸易流量影响作用最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的贸易政策,对一国高技术产品出口影响最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的产权保护程度。

    The result reveals in terms of the whole economic institutional arrangements , the trade policies are more sensitive to trade flow and the property rights are more sensitive to Hi-tech products export .

  14. 本文结合高管变更的研究特征,运用logit回归方法,对制度环境因素变量和高管变更的关系进行了实证检验。

    This paper studies characteristics of executive changes , using logit regression method , the system environmental variables and the relationship between the executive change an empirical test .

  15. 以往经济增长的理论将制度作为外部变量,即在分析经济行为时假设外部制度恒定不变。

    The theory of the economic growth in the past regarded system as the external variable , which supposed the external system being invariable while analyzing the economic behavior .

  16. 缺点与不足是所建立的数学模型授予受到了制度内生变量的限制,因而不能很好地指出到底哪些制度在提高农民财产性收入的动态过程中起到了至关重要的作用。

    Shortcomings and inadequacies of the mathematical model is given by a system of endogenous variables of the constraints , and therefore can not very well that in the end the system which increase farmers income from property in the dynamic process played a crucial role .

  17. 以一家自动离职率非常低的核电集团为案例,基于257份有效问卷对进行多元回归分析,对情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺的变量进行研究,发现人力资源管理是双向的。

    Multivariate regression analysis was employed for 257 questionnaires on a nuclear power company of very low turnover intention to examine the relative importance of different component variables on affective commitment , value commitment and system commitment . The two-way of human resource management is discovered during the study .

  18. 实证分析中,非国有经济增长率作为科技园区制度的代理变量更可行。对高技术企业制度创新的研究表明,高技术企业制度创新的重点是产权制度创新和组织结构创新。

    It is more feasible that non-state-owned economic growth rate is used as a agent variable of STPs institutions during empirical analysis . The research on the institutional innovations of high-tech enterprises shows that the innovations of property rights and organizational structure are the main points of enterprises , innovations .

  19. 通过寻找四种制度变迁的替代变量来对其进行量化研究。

    Variables that can replace the four changes will be searched for a quantitative research .

  20. 促使制度发生变迁的变量因素有很多,制度变迁的形式也很丰富。

    Makes the system change of variables by a lot of factors , system vicissitude form also very rich .

  21. 媒介制度变迁的内源性变量及媒介制度变迁的外源性变量构成了媒介制度变迁的内外部影响因素。

    The endogenous and the exogenous variable construct the internal and external factors of influence in the media institutions changes .

  22. 开放的制度环境和外部变量的引进是解开制度锁定状态的有效办法。

    Open system environment and the introduction of external variable are avail ways to untie system " locked " state .

  23. 然后从理论和现实两个层面来探讨大学组织文化和大学制度创新两个变量之间的基本关系,并由此构建本文的理论分析框架。

    Secondly , the paper studies the inherence between university organization culture and institution innovation of university from both theory and practice aspects , then it forms this paper 's analysis frame .

  24. 通过在金融资产结构与经济增长模型中引入能够综合反映制度变迁的制度变量,证明国家制度变迁对一国金融资产结构与经济增长会起到促进或制约的作用。

    By incorporating variables that can comprehensively reflect system evolution into the financial asset structure and economic growth model of a country , we can see that such evolution is either promotional or obstructive to her financial asset structure and economic growth .

  25. 珠三角地方政府改革在充分利用传统制度资源的同时,又适时地引入新的制度变量。

    The reforms in Pearl River Delta region make full use of traditional institutional resource as well as assimilate the new external institutional factors .

  26. 本文运用制度内生性公司财务理论,创造性的以资本制度这一内生性制度变量为切入点研究债权人利益保护问题;

    This paper will creatively take Capital system that is an intrinsic variable as the breach point to make a study of Creditors protection problem , applying the modern corporate finance theory taking the system as an intrinsic factor ;

  27. 在此基础上,对中国特色社会主义制度下的供求矛盾以及供给学派在我国现实经济中的局限性以及制度变量下的供给进行了深入分析。

    Basing on the discussion , the thesis analyses the contradiction of supply and demand in the socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  28. 将不良制度和制度距离作为隐形贸易成本的两个来源,本文建立了一个包含制度变量的扩展引力模型。

    By incorporating inferior institution and institutional distance as two sources of implicit trade cost , this paper establishes an extended gravity model .

  29. 第4章根据转型期经济增长的制度背景,利用随机前沿函数研究经济增长过程中的效率改进、技术进步与全要素生产率的变化,研究结果表明制度变量是影响效率的重要因素。

    The random frontier function is utilized in chapter 4 to study efficiency improvement , technological progress and the total factor productivity in the economic growth . The result indicates that the institutional variable is the important factor to explain the efficiency improvement .

  30. 国际制度无法独立于体系结构影响国家行为,在欧洲安全模式形成的过程中,体系结构是独立的自变量,国际制度则是干预变量。

    In a word , structure of system is an independent variable and international institution intervening variable in shaping European security model .