
zhì dǎo pào dàn
  • guided cartridge
  1. 基于Fluent的末制导炮弹初始段气动仿真

    Fluent-Based Aerodynamic Simulation of Terminal Guided Projectile in Its Initial Stage

  2. 本文对制导炮弹SINS/GPS组合系统的空中对准问题进行了研究、设计和仿真。

    In this paper , the problem of SINS / GPS integrated navigation system 's flight alignment , which is to be used on guidance shell , is studied , designed and stimulated .

  3. 因此,将计算区域分割为球体、圆柱、圆环、圆桶等简单规范的区域,然后进行了结构化网格划分,并用FLUENT软件对制导炮弹模型气动力参数进行了计算。

    Therefore , the computational region is divided into the sphere , cylinder , rings , drums and other simple specification of the region , followed by a structured mesh . And the guided projectile with FLUENT software aerodynamic model parameters were calculated .

  4. 制导炮弹末端弹道空中姿态遥测方法研究

    Research on the Telemetering for the Attitude of the Guided Projectile

  5. 末制导炮弹目标敏感技术及器件分析

    Analysis of Target Sensed Technologies and Detectors of Terminally Guided Projectile

  6. 无人机保障激光末制导炮弹武器系统射击分析

    Weapon System Analyses of Laser Terminal Guidance Shell Supported by UAV

  7. 电视末制导炮弹武器系统关键技术研究

    Study on the Key Technique of the TV-guided Projectile Weapon System

  8. 鸭式制导炮弹气动外形优化设计方法研究

    Aerodynamic Shape Optimum Design Method for Guided Projectiles Equipped with Canards

  9. 国外末制导炮弹现状与发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Developing Tendency of Terminally Guided Projectile

  10. 末制导炮弹对轻装甲车辆毁伤效能计算机模拟

    Simulation of Damage Effectiveness of Terminally Guided Artillery Projectile Attacking Armored Vehicles

  11. 末制导炮弹攻击区仿真研究

    The simulation study of the attack area of the terminal guided projectile

  12. 末制导炮弹姿态更新算法研究

    A Study on Algorithms for the Updating of Terminal Guided Projectile Attitudes

  13. 激光末制导炮弹弹道衔接问题的分析

    Analysis of the Ballistic Matching of Laser Terminal Homing Projectile

  14. 本文主要针对某远程制导炮弹的弹道特性和制导炮弹的控制系统进行了研究。

    Extended range guided projectile trajectory characteristic and control system were studied .

  15. 末制导炮弹惯性制导仿真及横向散布研究

    Terminal-guided Projectile Inertial Navigation Simulation and Lateral Distribution Study

  16. 美俄激光末制导炮弹的对比分析

    Contrast Analysis in the Laser Terminal Guidance Ammunition Round of America and Russia

  17. 末制导炮弹远距离激光光斑监视系统

    Remote Laser Facula Monitoring System of Terminal Guidance Ammunition

  18. 末制导炮弹武器系统战斗队形的方案优化评估

    Optimizing and Evaluating the Projects of Terminal Guidance Munition System 's Combat Formation

  19. 直升机载激光指示器发射末制导炮弹射击效能分析

    Operational Effectiveness Analysis of Firing Terminally Guided Shell by Laser Indicator on Helicopter

  20. 激光末制导炮弹欺骗式干扰的仿真

    Simulation of Fraudulent Jamming for Laser Final Guidance Shell

  21. 制导炮弹飞行过程中气缸压力实测技术

    Cylinder Pressure Practical Measurement Technology of Missile on Fly

  22. 末制导炮弹发展趋势及其研究方向

    Development trend and study direction of terminal guided projectile

  23. 硅加速度计在末制导炮弹测试中的应用

    Applications of Silicon Accelerometer in Terminally Guided Projectile Test

  24. 模糊评价模型在舰炮制导炮弹风险评估中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Evaluation Model in Risk Assessment of Naval Gun Guided Bomb

  25. 激光末制导炮弹过重力补偿比例导引律的分析

    Analysis of Proportional Navigation with Compensation over Gravity Used in Laser Terminal Homing Projectile

  26. 末制导炮弹用压电角速率传感器

    Piezoelectric Angular Rate Sensor for Terminal Guidance Shell

  27. 末制导炮弹的研制现状及发展趋势

    Research and Development of the Terminal Guided Shell

  28. 研究了制导炮弹最优滑翔弹道与控制问题。

    The optimal glide trajectory and control system of combined guidance munition were studied .

  29. 环境条件对末制导炮弹储存的影响及对策

    Research on the Influence of Storage Environment on Terminal Guidance Projectile and the Countermeasures

  30. 末制导炮弹发动机点火时间的确定

    Detemination of terminal guided projectile rocket ignition time