
dǎo qì kǒnɡ
  • gas port
  1. 分析左右两侧导气孔直径的调整对非对称弹射效果的影响。

    The influence on the unsymmetrical ejection effect by the adjustment of the left and right gas port diameters is analyzed .

  2. 结果表明,通过调整两侧导气孔直径,可以改变悬挂物弹射离机时的飞行姿态,消除由于不同弹种的质心偏移量所造成的角速度与角位移偏大的弊端。

    It is shown that the flying attitude of the suspender leaving battleplane can be changed by adjusting the gas port diameters of both sides , so as to eliminate the abuse of larger angular velocity and displacement caused by the centroid offset of different suspenders .

  3. 对影响活动件运动的因素进行了分析,包括工作介质的变化、导气孔的变化等。

    In this paper , the influence factors on the changed law of underwater gun 's slide are analyzed , including the change of working medium , hole of gas operated , etc.

  4. CO2扩散导度(气孔导度和叶肉细胞导度)的增加,在一定程度上阻碍了叶片13C值随海拔升高,但不足以改变13C值随海拔升高的趋势;

    The stomatal and mesophyll CO2 diffusion conductance also increased with increasing altitude , which had definite negative effect on the increase of foliar δ 13C , but the effect was not strong enough .

  5. 较高的温度会导致蒸腾强度降低,而水分亏缺引起的气孔导度降低气孔阻力增大则造成光合速率的降低。

    The transpiration intensity decreases with the increasing of temperature , while the decrease of stoma conductance resulted from water deficiency is in company with decrease of photosynthetic rate .

  6. 气孔导度和气孔开度经回归分析呈线性、指数或多项式分布。假设温度沿壳元厚度是二次多项式分布,在给定边界条件下,推导了壳元温度函数表达式;

    Linear or exponential or polynomial relationships between g-s and stomatal aperture were found when regression of g-s and stomatal aperture was established . This paper supposes that temperature has quadratic variation through layers of the shell element , and gives the expression of temperature functions in given boundary conditions .