
  • Guide's certificate;IC
  1. 象山鸿源旅行社成立以来,目前,已拥有一支经验丰富的管理人员和训练有素的持导游证的导游队伍。

    Since the founding of Xiangshan Hongyuan travel agencies , at present , already has an experienced management staff and well-trained guide team .

  2. 我今年十月份要考导游资格证。

    I want to have a test for guide certificate this October .

  3. 导游资格证简称导游证,报考并获得了国家导游资格证后,进入旅游景点可以免门票,也可以在旅行社工作。

    Short guided tour certificate card , apply for and obtain a certificate after the national tour , free tickets to enter the tourist attractions can also be in the travel agency .

  4. 巴黎的导游说卢浮宫的导游证太难考了,谁背得下来那成千上万件展品的资料?

    The guide in Paris said it was extremely difficult to pass the exam for Louvre guides , and who had time to master so much information on so many masterpieces ?

  5. 根据《导游人员管理条例》的解释,导游是指取得导游证、接受旅行社委派,为旅游者提供向导、讲解及相关旅游服务的人员。

    As defined in Regulations on Administration of Tour Guides , tour guides refer to those who have obtained a Tour Guide Certificate according to these Regulations , and accept appointment of a travel agency to provide tourists with guiding , introducing and other related tourism services .

  6. 违规导游将被处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款,并暂扣或者吊销导游证。

    Those who violate the rule will be fined between 1000 yuan ( $ 153.3 ) and 10000 yuan and have their license suspended or revoked .