
  • 网络advertising costs
  1. 我知道他们为什么选这个时间来计划一场活动了,因为现在的广告成本相对较低,

    I can see why they 've picked this time to plan a campaign , as advertising costs are relatively low at the moment ,

  2. 供应链合作广告作为一种成本分担机制,是供应链渠道协调的一个重要组成部分,它通过供应链成员对广告成本的合理分担来实现对供应链渠道的协调。

    Supply chain cooperative advertising as a cost-sharing mechanism is an important part of the supply chain channel coordination , which is reasonable to share advertising costs to achieve the coordination of supply chain channels .

  3. 随着广告成本的大幅上升,以及竞争的加剧,电视购物急需采用CTI技术,帮助企业增加盈利,最大限度利用客户资源。

    With the surge of ad cost and heated competition , TV shopping calls for immediate application of CTI technology to increase profit for the enterprises and make the best of customer resource .

  4. 供应链管理中供应商广告成本策略博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Advertisement Cost Strategy of Manufacturer in the Supply Chain

  5. 广告成本已经被加入到了商品的价格中。

    The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article .

  6. 哪个广告成本最高?

    Which commercials cost the most to make ?

  7. 广告成本的一种理论分析模型

    A Theoretical Analytical Model for Advertising Cost

  8. 每个载体的广告成本除以累积毛评点数。

    The sum of the costs of each support divided by the number of Accumulated GRPs .

  9. 网络广告成本由生产成本与管理成本构成。

    The costs of the network advertisement consist of the manufacture cost and the management one .

  10. 关于网络广告成本问题的研究

    Cost of network advertisement

  11. 使用关键词匹配选项也可通过将搜索对象限制在最为相关的范围内来降低广告成本。

    Using keyword matching options also helps you manage your costs by limiting your ads to the most relevant searches .

  12. 第二,传统广告成本定价策略分析,分析了传统定价法的优点和缺点。

    Second , the traditional advertising cost pricing strategy analysis , analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional pricing method .

  13. 由于媒体广告成本的急速增加,促使广告业者愈来愈关心其广告讯息的价值。

    As media costs have continued to accelerate , advertising managers have become increasingly concerned about the communication value of their commercial messages .

  14. 在一定条件下,利润贡献与广告成本的比值等于广告投入保本点的销售量。

    Under certain conditions , the ratio between profit dedication and advertising cost should be equal to the point of equilibrium of advertising investment .

  15. 在全球互联的今天,广告成本和信息传递成本趋于降低,将减少消费者剩余的损失程度。

    In the age of globalization , the costs of advertisement and information transition is lowered , which will reduce the loss of consumer surplus .

  16. 第一,广告成本策略选择,具体从变动成本定价法、目标收益定价法、边际贡献定价法三个方面进行分析。

    First , the cost of advertising strategy , specifically from the variable cost pricing method , the target profit pricing , marginal contribution pricing analysis in three aspects .

  17. 尽管广告成本具有多重性质,但广告的投入方式使我们完全有理由把广告成本视为企业固定成本的一部分。

    Although advertising cost is multiplicity , the manner of investing advertising lead to a belief , reasonably , that the very cost can be considered as a part of fixed cost in company .

  18. 广告成本与产品销售量之间,即弥补广告成本所需增加的最低销售量的增量之间存在函数关系。

    Between this cost and sale , in other words , between the advertising cost and minimum amount of sale increased in order to make up this cost , there exists a functional relation .

  19. 研究结果表明:(1)如果生产商分摊零售商地方性广告成本的意愿越强,零售商就越愿意投入更多的资金到地方性广告,使增加的销量越大。

    The conclusions are shown as follows : ( 1 ) If the manufacturer is more willing to share the local advertising cost , the retailer is willing to invest more in local advertising to promote sales .

  20. 第三,广告成本定价策略的改进,将市场情况和竞争对手情况加入到传统广告定价策略中,制定出更加科学、客观和真实的广告服务价格。

    In third , the cost of advertising pricing strategy to improve , the market situation and competition cases added to traditional advertising pricing strategy , develop a more scientific , objective and truthful advertising service price .

  21. 仓储成本去年提高了23%。而在中国中央电视台(CCTV)做广告的成本自2007年以来已提高了近50%。

    Warehousing cost was up 23 per cent last year , while the cost for advertising on CCTV , the national broadcaster , has risen almost 50 per cent since 2007 .

  22. 2012年第一季度,向1000名用户投放一则广告的成本同比上涨了41%。

    The cost of delivering an ad to 1,000 people increased 41 per cent in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same quarter last year .

  23. 一名了解这项技术的杂志业高管估计,在10万份杂志上投放一则视频广告的成本将达到一两百万美元,分摊到每份杂志的成本将达数美元。

    One magazine industry executive with knowledge of the technology estimated that running one video ad in 1 00000 copies would cost in the low seven-figure range . That would translate into a cost of several dollars per copy .

  24. 有效的广告千人成本&新的理论思考与操作的方法

    Advertising cost per thousand , a new theory and process

  25. 声称无针对性的广告会增加成本,等于是在假设消费者不买的东西必定会损害他们。

    And the claim that untargeted advertising imposes a cost assumes that what consumers do not buy must hurt them .

  26. 对于现有的需要插件或存在兼容问题的交互式软件选项,开发广告并降低成本是其解决方案的核心。

    Developing advertising whilst keeping costs down would appear to lead to this route as opposed to available interactive software options that require plug-ins or have major compatibility problems .

  27. 商业银行维系现有客户可以增加资金的汇聚量,同时节省诱导客户进入银行所必需的广告和介绍成本,从而产生更多的现金流和利润。

    Commercial banks to maintain existing customers can increase the convergence of funds , while saving induced customers to enter the necessary advertising and on cost , thus generating more cash flow and profits .

  28. 固定形式印刷品广告低廉的成本及极强的针对性、亲切感和真实性,必将受到企业经营者的青睐,具有一定的市场发展空间和生存环境。

    The cheapest cost of fixed form advertising and strong specific aim , cordial sense and actuality of printed matter , so this drew entrepreneur 's attention and it is necessary to develop space and survival environment .

  29. 低层次广告宣传品有成本低廉,编写容易的优点。

    Below-the-line advertising has the advantages of being cheap and very easy to produce .

  30. 其中包括投放招聘广告等“硬成本”,以及花在面试上的时间等“隐形成本”。

    This includes the hard costs , such as placing a job advert , andthe hidden costs , such as time spent conductinginterviews .