
  • 网络Guangdong Education Publishing House
  1. 本人所在学校使用的物理教科书是广东教育出版社2004年七月出版的普通高中课程标准实验教科书。

    The physics textbook adopted by my school is the one based on the ordinary high school curriculum criterion experiment published in July , 2004 .

  2. 以广东教育出版社出版的《英语》(修订本)第二册一篇课文为例,着重介绍合作学习模式在中职英语教学中的应用。

    And it introduces the application of English teaching in organization cooperative learning by utilizing as an example a text from English ( revision ) published by Guangdong Education Press .

  3. 周伟励第一次听说“狼爸”是通过网络上的新闻,也正是看到这条“把三个孩子打进北大”的新闻让任广东教育出版社副社长的他内心感到一丝不舒服。

    Zhou Weili first heard about the " wolf dad " - a father who used a stick to beat three of his children into China 's top Peking University - from the Internet , and the news made this vice president of Guangdong Education Press a rather queasy .