
  • 网络Guangzhou Road;Canton Road
  1. 香港路尘、下水道积尘和隧道烟尘中有机质含量分别显著高于广州路尘、下水道积尘和隧道烟尘中有机质含量。

    The amount of extractable organic matter in road dusts , gully sediments and tunnel ceiling dusts from Hong Kong are significantly higher than that from Guangzhou .

  2. 您去广州的路要经过武汉。

    Your route to Guangzhou lies through Wuhan .

  3. 广州黄石路立交桥空心板梁裂缝分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Cracks in Hollow Slab Beams on Huangshi Rd. Interchange , Guangzhou

  4. 新模式下广州市路桥收费系统设计思路探索

    Approach to Design Thinking of Toll System of Roads and Bridges in Guangzhou City under New Model

  5. 药材交易中心位于广州六二三路的清平市场内。

    The center is located at the Qingping Medicine Center Complex in Qingping Market in Liu-er-san Lu in Guangzhou .

  6. 基于期望差异模型的RBD顾客满意度研究&以广州市北京路步行商业区为例

    A Conceptual Model of Expectancy Disparity Theory : A Case Study on Visitors ' Satisfaction of Beijing Road Business District in Guangzhou

  7. 广州机场高速路高架桥桩基托换工程设计

    Design of Pile Foundation Underpinning Work of Expressway Elevated Bridge of Guangzhou Airport

  8. 城市商店名称演变的跟踪研究&以广州市北京路为例

    The Tracking Study of the Changes of Shop Names & an Example of Beijing Road , Canton

  9. 传统骑楼文化的延续&广州市一德路传统骑楼商业街区可持续更新研究

    The Continuity Of The Traditional Culture Of Arcade & On the sustainable renewal of the commercial district along Yide Road , Guangzhou

  10. 2002年,意大利威臣品牌正式授权于广州登利路皮具有限公司并成功取得中国国家商标局颁发的商标注册证。

    In2002 , Italy Weichen formally authorized into GuangZhou DengLeiLu Leather Co. , ltd And successfully received the trade mark license awarded by national Trademark .

  11. 广州市内环高架路工程总体设计与反思

    General Design and Self-Thinking of Inner Ring Elevated Road Project in Guangzhou City

  12. 在今天的播报中,一位广东特斯拉车主自掏腰包建立了首个从北京到广州的充电之路。

    In today 's podcast , a Guangdong Tesla owner pays out of pocket for an " electric road " of charging stations from Beijing to Guangzhou .

  13. 陶陶居酒楼位广州市第十甫路,于1880年(清光绪六年)开业。

    Taotaoju Restaurant is located in Dishipu Road , Guangzhou City and it started for business operation in1880 ( in the sixth year of Guangxu 's Reign ) .

  14. 广州美郎美发美容用品商行位于广州市金钟横路398号润发广场,与有着中国十大化妆品批发市场之首的兴发广场毗邻。

    Guangzhou Meilang hair and beauty supplies firm located in Guangzhou City , No.398 , RT-Mart Plaza , Admiralty Henglu , And with the first Chinas top ten cosmetics wholesale market near Hing Fat Square .