
  • 网络broadcast;broadcast technology
  1. 为解决信息被交付之前出现的延迟问题,又利用IP组播技术提出了一种乐观的原子广播技术。

    To overcome the pre-delivery message delay , this paper puts forward an optimistic atomic broadcast technology based on IP multicast .

  2. 基于UDP的计算机远程屏幕广播技术及其实现

    Implementation of compute remote screen Broadcast technologies based on UDP

  3. IP多目广播技术在互连网中的应用

    The Application of IP Multicasting Technology in internet

  4. IP多点广播技术及应用IP组播技术

    IP Multicast Technology and Application

  5. 基于因特网的IP多址广播技术

    Internet based IP Multicast Technique

  6. IPTV技术是一种全新的集中式电信和广播技术。

    IPTV technology is a new centralized telecommunications and broadcasting technology .

  7. 基于CDF的Web广播技术及其在校园网中的应用

    Webcasting Technology Based on the Channel DefinitionFormat ( CDF ) and Its Applicationin Campus Network

  8. 基于P2P的CDN网络中紧急消息广播技术

    Technology of Broadcasting Urgent Messages in CDN Based on P2P

  9. IP多播和广播技术在PPPoE协议上的扩展

    IP Multicasting and Broadcasting Extension for PPPoE Protocol

  10. 浅析DRM数字调幅广播技术与应用

    Brief Introduction to Technology and Application of DRM Arithmetic Figure Broadcast

  11. MANET中基于智能天线的广播技术

    Broadcasting Technology Based on Intelligent Antenna in MANET

  12. IP数据广播技术在这几年里取得了长足的进展,但在标准化和模块化方面的建设却不多。

    The technology of IP data broadcasting has been developed greatly in the past few years , but people have done little on its standardization and modularization .

  13. 介绍IP多路广播技术在广域网中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of IP multicasting for delivering multimedia content in wide area networks , and presents the features of IP multicasting and VSAT based network architecture .

  14. 面向DVB网络的可靠内容广播技术研究

    DVB Network Oriented Reliable Multicast Research

  15. 该文简要介绍了IP多点广播技术的产生、发展和应用,重点分析了它的工作机制,包括多点广播地址构造、Internet组管理协议和路由技术。

    It 's a new technology for multimedia realtime transmission and bulk data transmission . This paper discusses the IP multicast technology , including the conformation of IP multicast address , Internet Group Management Protocol ( IGMP ) and IP multicast routing .

  16. 本文探讨了IP多播和广播技术在PPPoE协议上的应用,并就其性能不足之处提出了一种改进方法。

    This paper discusses the technique of IP multicasting and broadcasting in PPPoE protocol , and propose a method to improve the performance of broadcast and multicast in PPPoE networks .

  17. 丽音(NICAM)双伴音/立体声电视广播技术

    Techniques in TV Broadcasting with NICAM Dual / Stereo Sound

  18. 伴随着国内外移动多媒体广播技术的蓬勃发展,中国的移动多媒体广播标准CMMB也应运而生。

    Along with the vigorous development of domestic and foreign mobile multimedia broadcasting technology , China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting standard CMMB also came into being .

  19. 在分析已有的XML查询技术和按需数据广播技术的基础上,建立了移动计算环境中基于分组的XML查询分发代理的XML按需数据广播系统结构,即C/D/S结构。

    Basing on an analysis of the XML query technique and on-demand data broadcast technology , an on-demand XML data broadcast model , namely C / D / S structure , is presented on a ground of group-based XML query and dispatch agent in the mobile computing environment .

  20. 后者的连接技术是基于“第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)”(一个国际移动通信标准化组织)的新广播技术。

    The latter 's connection is based on New Radio ( NR ) work in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ) , an international mobile telecommunications standards organization .

  21. 基于MPEG-2标准的图像压缩技术和DVB标准的不断完善,极大地促进了数字视频广播技术的应用进程。

    Furthermore , with the adoption of MPEG-2 as image compression standard , and the establishment of DVB as a recommended international standard , the application course of digital video broadcasting is accelerated dramatically .

  22. 简要论述了VBI数据广播技术的含义及实现方法,并介绍了VBI数据广播的应用和发展中应注意的问题。

    This paper simply describes the implications and implementation methods of VBI data broadcasting technology , introduces the attentive problems in the application and development of VBI data broadcasting technology .

  23. 介绍地面数字HDTV的单频网广播技术,并与单载波主发射机方案进行比较,提出OFDM系统中的一种信道估值新方案,它能显著地改善OFDM系统的频谱利用率。

    This paper introduces single frequency network broadcasting technique for terrestrial digital HDTV and compares SFN scheme with main transmitter scheme . A new channel response estimation technique for OFDM system is proposed . It can improve spectrum efficiency of OFDM system .

  24. 介绍了并行广播技术,提出了作为大规模信源的并行数据如何通过MPEG-2传输流数据发送卡实现这种海量传输的硬件实现方案,并分析了设计要点。

    This paper presents the large-scale parallel broadcasting technology . DVB Send Board is needed for its realization . A hardware scheme for the transmission of MPEG-2 TS is proposed and the key points of design are analyzed .

  25. 随着数字多媒体广播技术的出现,以及手机电视技术的逐步成熟,手机电视业务作为3C融合的标志性业务,已经引起了移动业务领域的广泛关注。

    As the digital multimedia broadcasting technology appears , and the mobile phone TV technology gradually grows up , mobile TV business that is the symbol of the fusion of 3C has aroused wide attention of mobile business area .

  26. 着重论述广播技术未来十年的发展趋势,比较全面地介绍了数字音频广播(DAB)、网络广播、同步调频广播的工作原理及存在的合理性。

    The article mainly describes the development trend of broadcasting technologies in the coming 10 years , with focusing introduction to the Digital Audio Broadcasting ( DAB ), Web broadcasting , synchronization frequency modulation broadcasting theories and the existing prospects .

  27. “外联网”项目将使用数据广播技术,让这些卫星向地球地面站持续释放无线网络信号。MDIF公司总部在纽约,他们表示将利用这些卫星向世界各地广播网络信号。

    Using something known as datacasting technology , which involves sending data over wide radio waves , the New York-based company says they 'll be able to broadcast the Internet around the world .

  28. 介绍了卫星数字电视广播技术及其发展概况,通过和基于DVB-S的卫星数字电视机顶盒进行比较,提出了基于DVB-S2的卫星数字接收机的设计方案,并对实际应用情况进行了分析和总结。

    In this paper , the technique and survey of Satellite Digital Video Broadcast are introduced , and on the basis of comparing with the set-top box based on DVB-S , the design of digital receiver to the DVB-S2 standard is made . An analysis is given in the end .

  29. 现代同步广播技术的智能化实现

    The Realization of the Modern Synchronous Broadcasting Technology 's Intellectualization

  30. 后者负责从服务器传播信息到用户终端。模型中的数据库接口网络就使用了选择式广播技术。

    The database interface network uses the Selective Broadcast technique .