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  1. 粘性黄土水坠坝筑坝泥浆配比试验研究

    Experimental Research on Dam Construction Slurry Ratio of Viscous Loess Sluicing-Siltation

  2. 非饱和黄土水-气渗透性试验研究

    Experiment on water - air permeability of unsaturated loess

  3. 颜真卿少时家贫缺纸笔,用笔醮黄土水在墙上练字。

    Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud .

  4. 从理论上分析了黄土遇水后C,ψ值降低的原因(即黄土颗粒之间粘结键和摩擦力大大降低)。

    The reasons decreased in C and ψ values are analysed from the loess fabric , mineral material and response mixed with water , that is decreasing of viscous bond and friction resistance .

  5. 湿陷性黄土及水工建筑物地基处理浅析

    The study on collapsible loess and the basement treatment of hydraulic structure

  6. Ⅴ南部黄土丘陵水保林区;

    V is the south forest district controlling soil erosion in loess hill ;

  7. 黄土地区水窑窖设计参数与施工技术研究

    Research on Design Parameters and Construction Techniques of Water Cellar in Loess Areas

  8. 关于加快黄土高原水保生态建设的研究

    Study on Speeding up Ecological Building of Soil and Water Conservation in the Loess Plateau

  9. 隧道斜井黄土富水地质地段施工质量控制

    The construction quality control in loess and water rich geological sector of tunnel inclined shaft

  10. 兰州马兰黄土的水敏感性特征

    Water sensitivity of Malan loess in Lanzhou

  11. 其生态环境恶化的根本原因是:黄土+水+植被+人。

    The radical reason of its ecological deterioration is : loess + water + planting + human .

  12. 黄土高原水保世行贷款项目管理机制的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of Management Mechanism in the World Bank Loan Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project in Shanxi Province

  13. 湿陷性黄土对水的特殊敏感性一直是黄土力学研究的核心课题之一。

    It is one of important core research subjects in loess mechanics that the special sensitivity of collapsible loess to water .

  14. 山西省黄土区水保措施对流域洪水过程的影响研究

    The Influence of Soil and Water Conservation on the Flood Processes in the Watersheds in the Loess Gully Region of Shanxi Province

  15. 草地对于黄土高原水士保持与生态环境的改善也具有重要的意义。

    At the same time , The grassland is very important significance for the soil and water conservation of the loess plateau and improvement of ecological environment .

  16. 考虑含水率和密度影响,给出了非饱和黄土路基水分场的计算模型,探讨和确定了模型参数。

    Taking the soil density and water content into account , a numerical model of moisture migration in unsaturated loess subgrade was given , and parameters of the model were obtained .

  17. 长期以来黄土对水的特殊敏感性一直是黄土力学特性研究的中心,而实际增湿及其特性的研究是目前黄土力学的首要任务。

    In a long time , it is always the center of loess mechanics that the sensibility of loess to water , now the study which water is increased in practice is a chiefly job .

  18. 内因是黄土遇水后结构强度的降低以及受古气候演化、环境变迁和应力作用时间等控制形成的差异初始含水量和结构水敏度。

    The internal causes are the structural strength of loess will be reduced when meets water , and the differential initial water content and structural water sensitivity formed by the changes of paleoclimate and environment and the time of stress-effects .

  19. 提出黄土地区水工保护设计应遵循排、疏、阻及经济方便的原则,同时采用草袋装土垒砌水工保护构筑物和使用灰土材料是经济合理和安全有效的。

    Puts forward that hydraulic protection in loess region shall conform to principles of drain , dredge and blocking , and using straw-woven bag filled with soil to build up hydraulic protection structure and lime material are reasonable in economic and effective in safety .

  20. 孔隙是影响黄土地层导水性的主导因素

    Porosity is the leading factor influencing water conductivity in loess soils

  21. 黄土高原地区水资源合理利用

    Rational utilization of the water resources in the Loess Plateau Region

  22. 准饱和黄土中暗穴水动力扩展响应的研究

    Hydrodynamic response of the underground cylindrical cavity in nearly saturated loess

  23. 天然气管道通过黄土地区的水工保护

    On Soil and Water Protection of bess Area along Gas Pipeline

  24. 灌溉条件下黄土层的水盐效应研究

    Effects of irrigation on water and salt in loess layer

  25. 黄土高原土壤水资源及其植被承载力研究

    Soil Water Resources and Its Bearing Capacity of Vegetation on Loess Plateau

  26. 黄土地区灌溉水诱发滑坡群的研究

    Landslides in Crows Induced by Irrigated Water in Loess Area

  27. 黄土坡面退水及其氮污染试验研究

    Research of recession flow on the loess slope and its nitrogen pollution

  28. 黄土高原农业水资源有效管理技术研究

    Research on rational management technique of agriculture water resources for the loess plateau

  29. 黄土高原土壤水资源与植树造林

    Soil water resources and afforestation in Loess Plateau

  30. 陕西渭北黄土地区地下水水化学特征及其利用前景

    The Hydrogeochemical Characteristic of groundwater in Loess Area in the north of weihe , shaanxi Province