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  1. 奏疏中用《易》体现了黄道周浓厚的史官意识,其中蕴含着《易》-智-讽谏的传统范式。

    It reflected Huang Daozhou 's strong sense of historiographer , and implied the traditional paradigm in Book of Changes-intelligent satirical expostulation .

  2. 他的另外一个朋友黄道周也给他取了个号:霞逸,意思是“在日落时的彩霞中无拘无束”。

    His other friend , Huang Daozhou , also gave Xu an alternate sobriquef : Xiayi , meaning " untrammelled in the sunset clouds . "

  3. 而黄道周在心声关系的解读中以一种理性分析的态度去纠正晚明士人流于空疏的学术风气。

    And the ecliptic week on the relationship between mind and sound interpretation of the same time , again in a rational analysis approach to correct the late Ming were empty and shallow stream in the academic atmosphere .