
  • 网络Dispensationalism;Dispensational
  1. 我个人认为若系统化的时代论即使被正确的理解,也需要在以神为中心和加尔文的救赎论神学喜爱才能够产生逻辑上的意义。

    I personally think that if systematic Dispensationalism is rightly understood then it still logically makes sense only within a theocentric and soteriologically Calvinists theology .

  2. 同时,时代论的前千禧年论认为两者都是神在历史里面的计划中主权的表现,这也能够从逻辑上符合神将他的主权应用在人类的事物上。

    Meanwhile , Dispensational premillennialists see both acts as a sovereign expression of God 's plan in history which is a logically consistent application of the sovereign will of God in human affairs .

  3. 第一章是历史时代论。

    The first chapter is a historical analysis of theory .

  4. 新经济时代论商誉会计

    On the Commercial Goodwill Accountant in the New Economy Era

  5. 电源论&在电力电子时代论电源

    Discussion On Power Source in Power EleCtrOnics Age

  6. 巫术研究的一个误区&弗雷泽巫术时代论与中国的巫术研究

    A Mistake in Research of Sorcery : On Frazer 's Theory of Sorcery Era and Sorcery Research in China

  7. 梁启超《过渡时代论》与当代过渡期历史观的构造一起渡过一个快乐的周末

    Liang Qichao s On the Transitional Age and Contemporary Historical View of Transitional Period ; spend the entire weekend having a good time together here

  8. 约翰•麦克阿瑟出自时代论圣经教会的背景,然而却如此委身于神的话语,以致神的话语带领他到哪里,他都愿意跟从,这把他直接带进了恩典教义。

    John MacArthur from a dispensational , Bible Church background , yet so committed to the word of God he was willing to go wherever that word took him and it took him right into the doctrines of grace .

  9. 并且指出ID理论的核心是信息复杂性,物质科学范式的标准不适合ID理论,ID理论是发展中的信息时代进化论。

    The criterion of material science model is not suitable for ID Theory ; ID Theory is a developing evolutionism in the age of information .

  10. 新形势下对时代主题论的再认识

    The Reconsideration of Age Theme Under the New Situation

  11. 干部道德建设的时代起点论析

    Epochal Starting Point for Cadres ' Moral Construction

  12. 迎接21世纪生态环境新时代&论中国森林生态网络系统工程

    On Establishment of Forest Ecological Net in China

  13. 古亚洲洋和古特提斯洋的闭合时代&论二叠纪末生物灭绝事件的构造起因

    The Closure Time of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the Paleo-Tethys Ocean : Implication for the Tectonic Cause of the End-Permian Mass Extinction

  14. 当前,在发展信息时代进化论的过程中,尤其需要理论信息学给予理论上的解释和科学合理性的说明。

    At present , during the development of information evolutionism , especially to make clear and account for theoretically from the angel of theoretic informatics .

  15. 知识经济时代国民素质论要

    An Outline of the Quality of Nationals in the Knowledge Economy Era

  16. 互联网时代文学生态论

    On the State of Literature in the Times of Internet

  17. 理论信息学:信息时代中进化论的理论基础

    Theoretical Informatics as the theoretical base of " evolutionism " in information era

  18. 全球化时代的空间论课题

    Space Theory in the Globalization Era

  19. 媒体的划时代变迁&论新旧媒体的共存与共荣

    Epoch-Making Changes in the Media & On the Coexistence and Co-prosperity Between Old and New Media

  20. 话语缺失下的时代强音&论梁衡政治散文的审美意蕴

    Strong Sounds of the Times with a Lack of Words & on the Aesthetic Sense in Liang Heng 's Political Prose

  21. 斯图加特·密尔:时代精神,论自由,妇女的从属地位;

    Mill : The Spirit of the Age , On Liberty , The Subjection of Women ( Norton Critical Editions )( Norton Critical Editions )

  22. 笔墨内涵与时代精神&论清四王绘画的美术史价值和时代意义

    Painting Connotation and Time Spirit & On the valuation of art history and time meaning of the " Four Wangs " in the Qing Dynasty

  23. 从择偶观的变迁看择偶标准的时代性&论中国女性建国至今50多年的配偶选择

    On the Epoch Characters of Mate-selecting Standard Viewed from its Changes & Choice Made by Chinese Female in the Past 50 Years since the Foundation of New China

  24. 而重读马克思、坚持文学理论的科学性研究和坚持全球化时代民族文论话语的身份和立场,以及跨文化、跨学科的多元视野应成为文学理论的理论选择。

    Re-reading Marxism , studying literature theory scientifically , uphold the status and the position of the national literature theory and the plural horizon of inter-culture and inter-discipline should .

  25. 高天厚土水长流,中国文论的诗性传统是全球化时代中西文论平等对话的本土性资源及文化本位。

    The high sky , the thick earth and the flowing water & such Chinese poetic tradition forms the native resource and cultural standard in its dialogue with the western poetics as an equal partner .

  26. 农业时代强调唯美论;工业时代强调以人为中心;后工业时代发展起来的信息社会则强调和谐与可持续性。

    Agriculture period emphasize the aesthetic ; the ages of industry emphasize the human value in the social ; information society in the late era of industry convert the focus to the harmonious and durative .

  27. 信息化与认识论的关系密切。信息本身就是认识论的最新研究对象,对信息本质的科学解答,也正是信息时代哲学认识论的重要课题。

    Informatization is closely related to epistemology whose latest object of research is just the information itself . Therefore , the scientific explanation of the essence of information is regarded as an important theme of epistemology at the age of information .

  28. 论网络时代下高校灌输论的新发展

    New Develpment of the Inculcation in Universities in the Internet Time

  29. 知识经济时代与劳动价值论&论作为价值源泉的劳动的演变

    The Theory of Labor Values in the Time of Knowledge Economy

  30. 时代的镜子&论海明威的思想发展历程

    Mirror of the Times & On Hemingway 's Mental Development Process