
  1. 介绍了模特排时法(MOD)的基本原理,用MOD法测定和评价了各项齿轮精度检测项目的测量效率,提出了合理选择齿轮精度检测项目的原则和方法。

    The basic principle of Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standard ( MOD ) is introduced . By using MOD , the measuring efficiency of inspection items about gear accuracy are determined and evaluated . The principle and method of reasonably selecting inspection items about gear accuracy are presented .

  2. 测时法测量时间的科学

    The science of measuring time . buzz stick method

  3. 利用日本度时法计算了中国各地大型连栋温室的期间热负荷,进而计算采暖能耗。

    The heating load in China was also obtained by adopting Japan 's degree-hour method .

  4. 加载时法向位移和滑行时启动摩擦系数具有类似的变化趋势。

    Variation trends of friction coefficient at start-up to loading time was similar to that for normal displacement .

  5. 提出了迭代延迟时法:改进了延迟时法,使求取的表层的厚度更加准确。

    The paper proposes Iteration Delayed Time ( IDT ): By improving Delayed Time , it can obtain more exact depth of near surface layer . 6 .

  6. 这些问题主要有行为时法的范围、处刑轻重的比较、跨法犯的法律选择问题。

    Theses problems are mainly as follows : the scope of Law as the behavior is happing , comparison between gentle penalty and severe penalty , the selection of law to the criminal who is related to both the old law and the newly law .

  7. 且当平面P波入射时,法向柔量对反射P波和转换波的影响均大于切向柔量的影响。

    It is showed that the normal compliance has much influence on P-P and P-S reflections than that shear compliance do when the incident wave is P-wave .

  8. 结论99mTcMIBI双时相法对于甲状旁腺腺瘤的定位诊断是一种很有应用前途的方法。

    Conclusions Double-phase 99mTc-MIBI imaging are promising technique for localization of parathyroid adenomas .

  9. 本文用波动方程反时偏移法实现了变速介质中VSP资料的波动方程偏移归位。

    An algorithm for wave equation reverse time migration of VSP data in variable velocity medium is presented in this paper .

  10. 据矿石混合铅多阶段模式、蚀变矿物的K-Ar法与Rb-Sr等时线法等直接同位素年代学方法结合地质推断法。

    The mineralization epochs are determined by lead isotope multi-stage model dating and altered mineral K-Ar and Rb-Sr dating .

  11. 本文以不同的混凝土重力坝为例,分别采用时程法和拟静力法进行了FRP加固混凝土坝的地震损伤破坏模拟。

    Herein take some concrete gravity dams with different feature for examples , seismic damage simulations are explored without and with FRP reinforcement on basis of time history method and quasi-static method .

  12. 对其进行全岩RbSr等时线法测年,获得797.7±1.5Ma的地质年龄,揭示苏胶造山带于新元古代中期已开始向裂解转化。

    The age of ( 797.7 ± 1.5 ) Ma , which is based on the Rb Sr isochron method of whole rock , indicates that the Su jiao orogenic belt began to split from mid Neoproterozoic .

  13. 本文以K8型单层球面网壳为研究对象,运用时程法中的直接积分法计算网壳结构在地震作用下的地震响应,并与相应的静内力作了比较。

    In this paper , a K8 single layer reticulated spherical shell is studied . Earthquake response of the structure is analyzed with direct dynamic analysis method , and the inner forces of elements are compared with static analysis .

  14. 连续三维时飞法磁共振血管成像对脑动脉的显示能力评价

    Consecutive Three-dimensional Time-of-Flight MRA : Its Capacity in Determining Cerebral Arteries

  15. 采用常规对比法和不等时对比法相结合的方法对比闭合剖面;

    Comparison close section using to routine contrasting and not time ;

  16. 测定导热系数的一种新方法温&时积分法

    A New Method of Measuring-Thermal Conductivity & The Temperature-Time Integration Method

  17. 基于位移荷载输入动力时程法的误差分析

    Error analysis of dynamical time history method based on displacement loading

  18. 铀系等时线法测定腾冲地区火山岩的年龄

    Uranium-series dating of young volcanic rocks from Tengchong region , southwestern China

  19. 分析了时反法的理论基础,并对其用于浅海被动通信进行了仿真研究。

    Time reversal principle and its application to passive communication were introduced .

  20. 在测定安息香酸溶解速度时电导法的应用

    Determination of Dissolving Rate of Benzoic Acid by Measuring Conductivity

  21. 当现存的法律不能作出令人满意的判决时衡平法就生效

    When the existing laws fail to render a satisfactory judgment , equity apply

  22. 薄层流动时安法测定电镀废水中的铜

    Determination of Copper in the Waste Water of Plating by Chronocoulometry for Flowing Solution

  23. 其方法主要采用两种方式:时角法和弧长法。

    The method mostly use of two modes that are time angle and arc length .

  24. 局域波时频法在柴油机缸套活塞磨损诊断中的应用研究

    Investigation on Diagnosis of Diesel Engine Piston-Liner Wear Faults Based on Local Wave Time-Frequency Approach

  25. 时移法大倾角深度偏移方法

    Steep-dip depth migration using time shift algorithm

  26. 时历年法计算花园水库水田灌区灌溉制度

    Hour the Method Calculation Reservoir Paddy Field in the Garden an Irrigation System Through the Years

  27. 描述电子传递体参与工作时电流法酶电极的稳态响应特性。

    This paper describes the steady-state current responses of the amperometric enzyme electrodes operating with electron-transfer mediators .

  28. 法律适用中的时间要素&中日东海争端关键日期和时际法问题考察

    Time Factor in the Sino-Japanese Dispute over East China Sea : the Critical Date and Inter-temporal Law

  29. 分析了时反法的原理,并进一步分析了时反法用于主动探测的过程。

    The principle of time reversal and the process of active detection using this technology were analyzed .

  30. 【中英文摘要】时反法是一种新颖的自适应聚焦技术,它可以使声信号在未知环境下实现时空聚焦。

    Time reversal is a unique self-focusing technique for spatial and temporal focusing of sound in unknown environments .