
  1. 广州以通雕象牙球最为著名。

    Guangzhou is well known for intricate hollowed-out ivory balls .

  2. 广州市建设通科技发展有限公司在供应链管理上存在的问题主要是没有寻找到合适的供应链伙伴以及与供应链伙伴间缺乏战略合作关系,短期行为严重,导致供应链成本上升。

    These questions include not finding appropriate supply chain partner and lacking strategic partnerships between partners . Management myopia seriously causes supply chain cost to rise .

  3. 案例部分描述了广州市建设通科技发展有限公司的创立背景和经营管理模式,并详细介绍了公司业务运作过程中的供应链管理情况,包括采购管理、工程管理、仓库管理和运输管理。

    In the first part , I describe the original background and the operation management model of the company , and introduce the present state of Supply Chain Management including purchasing management , engineering management , warehouse management and shipping management in detail .