
  • 网络Broadcast Production;Radio Production
  1. 所有的这些课程,诸如电子制作、音像制作、广播制作、网络制作都需要实践技能。

    Even in units that do not use video technology , such as information campaigns , we provide practice experience .

  2. 达夫很快掌握了广播节目制作的技能。

    Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production

  3. 1957年,英国广播公司制作了罗德·赛林的剧目《重量级拳击手的弥撒》。

    In 1957 , the BBC produced Rod Serling 's play Requiem for a .

  4. 该系统简单、实用、方便、可靠,为实现广播节目制作数码化和播放自动化提供了可能。

    It is very simple , practical , convenient and reliable and enables broadcasting automatically and program making digitally .

  5. 朗沃开发和制造用于电台、广播、制作和扩声等应用环境的数字调音台及所需软件。

    Lawo develops and manufactures digital audio mixing consoles for radio , broadcast , production and live applications including the required software .

  6. 数字化设备在广播电视制作中已经得到运用,而且运用的范围越来越大,从前期拍摄到后期编辑都有数字化的身影。

    Digitalizing equipments are coming to use in the field of broadcast , and the scope is being enlarged increasingly from prophase shoot to anaphase edit .

  7. 在广播电视制作领域,视频信号数字化是发展的趋势,本文对各种数字视频格式进行了分析和比较。

    In the video television field , the techniques of digital video is the trend of programming . This paper is going to analyze and compare different digital video format .

  8. 该节目由芝加哥公共广播电台制作,美国国际公众电台发行。节目宣称,这本笔记本原属于在1886年研发出可口可乐配方的药剂师潘伯顿的友人所有。

    The show , produced by WBEZ Chicago and distributed by Public Radio International , claims the notebook originally belonged to a friend of John Pemberton , the pharmacist who created Coca-Cola in1886 .

  9. 在美国广播公司制作的电视剧《绝望主妇》中,朗格利亚饰演的是美艳主妇加布丽尔·索利斯。朗格利亚接下来将出现在影片《我遇到了男友死去的未婚妻》中,该片预计于2007年上映。

    Longoria , who plays saucy Gabrielle Solis on the ABC dramedy , can next be seen on the big screen in " How I Met My Boyfriend 's Dead Fiancee ," due in2007 .

  10. 这个眼光长远的女孩也希望自己在网络上的知名度能够帮助自己跻身演绎界,为她谋取一个在美国广播公司制作的美剧《童话镇》中饰演艾丽莎一角的试镜机会。该剧将在下一季中加入艾丽莎这个角色。

    The aspiring actress is also hoping her online following will secure her an audition to appear on ABC show ' Once Upon A time ' which is adding Elsa as a character next season .

  11. 分析了广播电视制作和播出的数字化进程,参与设计并实施了符合江苏广电总台频道发展要求的播出数字化改造项目,并作了方案阐述。

    The digitization process of production and broadcasting of broadcast and television is analyzed . The author also co-designed and co-executed digitized broadcasting reconstruction project satisfying the demand of channel development of Jiangsu Broadcast Corp , and elaborated the scheme as well .

  12. “参与由NBA的国际球员在本国的广播节目将制作经验,更多的个人和愉快的球迷在世界各地”。

    Participation from NBA international players in their home country 's broadcasts will make the experience more personal and enjoyable for fans around the world .

  13. 虚拟演播室系统(VSS,VirtualStudioSystem)作为新近发展起来的一种独特的电视节目制作技术,已受到业内人士的关注,并逐步在广播电视节目制作中得到应用。

    Being a recently special TV program production technology , Virtual Studio System has already been the focus of the people in this profession , and has gradually been used in broadcasting TV program production .

  14. 奥地利ORF广播公司委托制作了这部名为《维也纳奇迹》的纪录片,并在决赛阶段前夕播出,吸引了大批电视观众。

    Austrian broadcaster ORF commissioned the film'The Miracle of Vienna'and screened it on the eve of the finals , attracting a large television audience .

  15. 该广播剧的制作方式佛蒙特州的人口传媒中心(PMC)是通过电视广播节目来促进发展方面的先锋。

    The show 's producer , the Population Media Center ( PMC ) in Vermont , has been a pioneer of programmes with the goal of fostering development .

  16. 该目录将广播电视节目制作、发行和电影制作列为对外开放领域,中国传媒产业与国外一些媒介之间的竞争在所难免。

    The media competition between China and the rest world are unavoidable .

  17. 与此同时,在广播和节目制作方面,中国也展开与非洲国家的合作。

    In the meantime , China is expanding broadcasting and program-making cooperation with African countries .

  18. 在广播电视节目制作中,视频切换台一直是广播电视台不可缺少的制作设备。

    Video switcher has been indispensable to the TV stations in radio and television program production .

  19. 该频道播放由公众广播服务公司制作的节目,全美国的人们都能收看到。

    Programs on this channel are run by the Public Broadcasting Service ( PBS ) and can be seen all over the USA.

  20. 本文主要论述了网络教学系统中涉及到的关键技术,以及在实现中有关系统配置、流媒体网络教学实况广播和课件制作的方法。

    This paper studies the relevant important teclmology in network education system , the efficient methods about system config , live program of network education and courseware design .

  21. 这几家广播公司仍然可以制作出一些热门节目。

    The networks can still produce hits .

  22. 本课题所研究的广播音频编辑与制作软件的特色之处在于它能够实时地跨格式、跨采样率和跨比特率进行播放、录音和编辑。

    Supporting real-time cross-format , cross-sample rate and cross-bite rate to play , record and edit is the most special part of audio editing and making software .

  23. 数字电视其实是指一种电视广播系统,其制作、发送、接收、处理和存储都采用了数字技术。

    Digital TV actually means a kind of television broadcasting system , which uses digital technology to create , transmit , receive , process and store the programs .

  24. 香港电台是香港唯一的公营广播机构,其制作范畴包括新闻、时事、艺术、文化及教育方面的电视及电台节目。

    Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK is the sole public broadcaster producing TV and radio programmes covering news , current affairs , arts , culture and education in Hong kong .

  25. 基于数字音频技术、计算机网络技术和多媒体技术的自动化播出系统改变了广播电台传统的广播节目制作、管理和播出模式,实现节目的制作、播出数字化和自动化。

    Radio automatic broadcasting system based on digital audio , network and multimedia techniques , switches editing and broadcasting mode and management mode from analog to digital and automatic .