
  • 网络innovator;innovative;creative talents;innovating talents
  1. 对在创新人才的培养过程中,高校如何加强创新能力的培养、科学精神的培养、团队精神的培养、实践能力的培养、教育管理制度创新等方面进行了研究。

    In this paper , several aspects in the innovator training in the university such as the innovative ability training 、 the science spirit training 、 the team work training 、 the practical ability training 、 the education management institution innovating and so on have been researched .

  2. 第三章,基于AGIL模型的我国高校创新人才培养问题。

    The third chapter , the issues of training innovative talents in colleges and universities based on " AGIL model " .

  3. 研究生教育在培养创新人才、提高创新能力、服务经济社会发展、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化方面具有重要作用。

    Graduate education plays an important role in boosting innovation , catering5 for economic and social development , as well as modernizing6 the system and capacity for governance in China .

  4. 通过对企业常用的创新人才个体和团体激励方法的分析比较,本文提出并设计了一种新型激励方法&项目EVA分成率法。

    Through comparative analysis of these methods about innovation individual and team , this thesis designs a new type of incentive method & the share approach based on EVA about project .

  5. 面对加入WTO对体育人才的培养与素质教育提出了新的要求,需要培养创新人才,复合型人才、开放型人才、学习型人才。

    In the wake of entry into WTO , we confront with new situation on how to train sports talents and exert diathesis education . We need foster all kind of talents , such as creative talents , complex talents , etc.

  6. 树立质量意识培养创新人才

    On the Development of Quality Consciousness and Education of Creative Talents

  7. 能促进知识互补,培养创新人才。

    Can promote knowledge to be complementary , train innovative talents .

  8. 提高实践能力探索培养模式打造创新人才

    Improve Practical Ability , Seek Cultivation Model and Cultivate Creative Talents

  9. 新世纪创新人才培养途径的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Cultivating Innovative Talents in the New Era

  10. 应用化学专业创新人才培养实践教学环节的思考与探索

    Some Considerations on Talents Cultivation in the Applied Chemistry Specialty Area

  11. 论社会实践活动对创新人才培养的作用

    The Influence of Social Practice on the Training of Creative Talents

  12. 创新人才的培养是我国理论界和教育界关注的热点课题。

    Cultivation of innovative talents is a hot topic in China .

  13. 构建适合创新人才培养的实践教学环境

    Constructing the practice teaching environment to raise the innovation talented person

  14. 坚持党管人才原则,创新人才工作机制

    Uphold Party Managing Talents Principle and Create Talents Management Mechanism

  15. 知识经济呼唤创新人才的培养。

    The knowledge economy is calling the cultivating of the creative talents .

  16. 创新人才培养模式对提高教学质量的影响&兼谈盘锦职业技术学院人才培养模式的实践探索

    On Effect of Innovation in Talent-Training Model to Improvement of Teaching Quality

  17. 高校创新人才培养中的制约因素分析及对策思考

    Restrictive Factors in the Training of Creative Talents : Analysis and Solutions

  18. 我国培养创新人才的高校教育环境研究

    Studies on Colleges and Universities'Educational Environment for Training Innovative Talents in China

  19. 建立开放性实验室培养创新人才

    To Establish an Open Laboratory , To Cultivate Innovative Talents

  20. 开展研究生学术活动,培养创新人才

    Postgraduate 's Academic Activities and their Importance in Developing Creativity

  21. 坚持教育改革培养五强地学创新人才

    Persisting Reform of Education and Cultivating Innovative Geological Talents with Five Capabilities

  22. 教育信息化与创新人才培养&关于新型学习支持服务的探索

    Educational information and Innovative Nurture & Probing for modern learning support service

  23. 人口和计划生育科技队伍的信息素质与创新人才

    Information Quality and Innovation Talent of Population and Family Planning Working Group

  24. 浅谈健美操的功能产学合作教育培养民航创新人才的探索

    Functions of Enterprise and College Cooperation in Cultivation of Civil Aviation Talents

  25. 改革高师数学教育培养创新人才

    Reform high normal university mathematics education , train innovative talents

  26. 高校思想道德教育与创新人才培养

    College ideological moral education and creative talents ′ train

  27. 非智力因素与创新人才培养

    Non - Intelligent Factors and Cultivation of Creative Personnel

  28. 高校课堂教学改革与创新人才培养

    University Reform of Classroom Teaching and Nurturing Innovative Talents

  29. 高校实验室能本管理与创新人才的培养

    Capacity-oriented management and cultivation of the innovative in laboratories of colleges and universities

  30. 尊重学生主体作用努力培养创新人才

    Respect the Student-Oriented Method , Cultivate the Creative Talents