
  • 网络the creative spirit
  1. 培植创造精神是创造教育的关键;

    Cultivating creative spirit is the key of creative education .

  2. 艺术之创造精神是对虚无主义的卓越反抗;

    Second , the creative spirit of art may resist extra drastically nihilism ;

  3. 劳动人民富于创造精神。

    The labouring people are highly creative .

  4. 风水是中国人在家和工作场所创造精神平衡的一种信仰。

    It is the Chinese belief in creating a spiritual balance in one 's home and workplace .

  5. 这些作品每天都在提醒我,这种创造精神根植于我们的DNA中,我们正是通过我们的创意和开拓精神塑造了我们的未来。

    It 's a daily reminder of the genius that 's embedded in our DNA ; the way we 've always shaped the future through our ideas and discoveries .

  6. BEH考核体系形成了一套量化测评的指标体和管理办法,有利于调动各级管理者的积极性、主动性和创造精神。

    BEH evaluation system has a set of quantitative indicators body measurement and management practices , benefit managers at all levels to mobilize the enthusiasm , initiative and creativity .

  7. 第三,批判创新的不懈创造精神。

    Third , tireless creative spirit that is critical and innovative .

  8. 发扬创造精神并满怀激情地分享彼此的计划和想法。

    Share your plans and ideas , with creativity and passion .

  9. 探索精神,创新精神,冒险精神,创造精神。

    The spirit of exploration , innovation , adventure , creation .

  10. 在我国的教育改革中,已由重知识教育逐步转到重素质、重能力的教育机制上来,注重的是学习方法的掌握和创造精神的陶冶。

    The education mechanism is turning into quality , heavy ability progressively .

  11. 波普尔的创造精神与批判精神的思想根源

    The ideological roots of Popper 's creative and critical spirit

  12. 开展体验教育活动培养学生创造精神

    Develop Experience Education Activities and Cultivate Students ' Creation Spirit

  13. 文艺创造精神活动的深层观照&论马利坦诗学理论中的诗

    On the Intension of Poetry in Maritain 's Poetic Theory

  14. 其次要必须充分尊重高职学生的个性与创造精神;

    Secondly to fully respect the students ' personalities and creative spirits ;

  15. 深化教育教学改革培养大学生的创造精神

    Developing the Creating Ability of the College Students and Improving Educational Reform

  16. 这是有发明创造精神。

    This is the spirit of inventing and creating .

  17. 音乐的神话创造精神于今安在呢?

    Where now is the mythopoeic spirit of music ?

  18. 有了坚实的知识基础,才可能有创造精神。

    Had the solid knowledge foundation , Only then possibly has the creation spirit .

  19. 后现代哲学全面解构了现代性,同时又以一种建设性的创造精神展示着生态后现代主义。

    Postmodern philosophy comprehensive deconstructed modernity , while demonstrating eco-postmodernism with a constructive creativity .

  20. 21世纪是由知识经济主导的世纪,它要求培养极富创造精神的创新性人才。

    The 21 century is guided by knowledge economy , it needs creative talents .

  21. 开发批判性思维有利于培养学生的创新能力和创造精神,可从化静为动,关注写作碰撞;

    Developing critical thinking is benefic to fostering students ' ability and spirit of innovation .

  22. 中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的求实精神和创造精神。

    The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their practicality and creativity .

  23. 这些接受方式表现了唐人的浪漫气质、创造精神和独特的审美风尚,是《陌上桑》接受史上极有特色的一页。

    The phenomenon show the people 's romantic qualities and creative spirit and unique aesthetic tendency .

  24. 本文以创造性和教师人格理论的结合为基点,力求探寻一条切实有效的塑造教师创造性人格的道路。古代社会,教师的创造精神不足。

    This text regards combination of creativity and teacher 's personality theory as the basic point .

  25. 时代对创造性人才和创造精神提出了前所未有的迫切要求。

    Our time has maken unprecedented urgent demands on creative talents and the spirit of creativity .

  26. 第五,必须全心全意依靠工人阶级,充分激发人民群众的历史主动性和创造精神。

    Wholeheartedly rely on the working class , fully kandle the masses'enthusiasm of historical initiative spirit .

  27. 它显示了你的创造精神!

    It shows your creative spirit !

  28. 这是有发明创造精神。这说明人可以创造奇迹。

    This is the spirit of inventing and creating . This shows man can work wonders .

  29. 我喜欢以不同于他人而富创造性的方法来做事。苏格兰人既富于冒险精神又富于创造精神。

    I like to do things in a creative way which is different from everyone else .

  30. 陶行知崇尚创造精神,留下了丰富而宝贵的创造教育思想。

    Tao Xingzhi advocates the creative spirit all his life , leaves abundant valuable educational thoughts of creation .