• colour;look;countenance;expression

  • colour
  • 由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。

  • 脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。

  • 情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。

  • 种类:各~用品。

  • 品质,质量:音~。成~。足~纹银。

  • 妇女美貌:姿~。~艺。

  • 情欲:~情。好(hào)~。


(颜色) colour:

  • 暗色

    dead colour;

  • 反衬色

    contrast colours;

  • 红色


  • 流行色

    fashionable colour;

  • 原色

    primary colour


(脸上显现的神情) look; countenance; expression:

  • 满面喜色

    beaming with joy;

  • 喜行于色

    be visibly pleased; light up with pleasure


(种类) kind; description:

  • 各色人等

    people of every description; all kinds of people


(情景; 景象) scene; scenery:

  • 湖光山色

    a landscape of lakes and mountains;

  • 行色匆匆

    in a hurry to go on a trip


(物品的质量) quality (of precious metals, goods, etc.):

  • 成色好

    of good quality


(女子美貌) woman's looks:

  • 姿色

    good looks


[口] (颜色) colour:

  • 这布掉色吗?

    Will this cloth fade?

  1. 墙壁是一种退了色的蓝色。

    The walls were a washed-out blue colour .

  2. 橘黄色是今年的流行色。

    Orange is the big colour this year .

  3. 设计师选取了蓝和橙黄两种对比色。

    The designer has chosen the complementary colours blue and orange .

  4. 他总是戴着玫瑰色的眼镜看世界。

    He tends to view the world through rose-coloured spectacles .

  5. 这个显示屏的系统设定值是256色。

    On this screen , 256 colours is the default .

  6. 红白两色是这支队的队服色。

    Red and white are the team colours .

  7. 窗帘已经给晒退了色。

    The curtains had faded in the sun .

  8. 紫色是今年春天的流行色。

    Purple is the in colour this spring .

  9. 他话不多,很幽默,却又不形于色,让人很愉快。

    He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour .

  10. 人人都面露震惊之色。

    Shock registered on everyone 's face .

  11. 黑色又成了流行色。

    Black is in vogue again .

  12. 他色迷迷地瞅着她。

    He eyed her vulgarly .

  13. 他色迷迷地斜瞟一眼。

    He leered suggestively .

  14. 交通灯变成橙黄色时,汽车没有停下来。

    Cars did not stop when the lights were on amber .

  15. 光线开始从紫罗兰色的天空渐渐消退。

    The light was beginning to drain from a violet sky .

  16. 天空由通透的湛蓝色变成了暗灰色。

    The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey .

  17. 漆面、衣柜和床头柜是浅咖啡色的。

    The paintwork , the wardrobes and the bedside cupboards were coffee-cream .

  18. 他身穿一套件价格不菲的深蓝色细条纹西装。

    He wore an expensive , dark blue pinstripe suit .

  19. 人们总是戴着玫瑰色的眼镜看待过去。

    People are looking at the past with rose-tinted spectacles .

  20. 一顶橄榄色帐篷扎在树丛当中。

    An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees .

  21. 蓝色很适合你,能衬托出你的发色。

    Blue suits you , sets off the colour of your hair .

  22. 特德在用色上非常讲究。

    Ted was very particular about the colors he used .

  23. 他们匆匆地走来走去,一言不发,面露焦急之色。

    They hurried about in dead silence , with anxious faces

  24. 衬衣每洗一次都会褪点色。

    The colours gently fade each time you wash the shirt

  25. 玻璃瓶中盛满了被食用色素染过色的水。

    Glass bottles are filled with water tinted with food colourings

  26. 这些花的花蕾是青铜色,开放后呈明黄色。

    The flowers are bronzy in bud and bright yellow when open .

  27. 通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。

    Generally , warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede .

  28. 她全身赤裸,皮肤是日晒后的古铜色。

    In the reproduced bronze she is completely nude .

  29. 这间卧室的特点是用色大胆。

    A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom .

  30. 他撕开了随信寄来的奶油色信封。

    He tore open the creamy envelope that had been enclosed in the letter