
  1. 本文主要分析探讨了中国传统幌子的形式美,即形的程式性、简约概括性、生动悦目性和色的鲜明性与单纯性,材的自然质朴性等形式因素。

    The thesis analyzes mainly the formal beauty of Chinese traditional curtains , that is , the formular ization of their forms , simplification and generalization , lifelikeness , brilliance and simplicity of their colors , naturalness and rusticity of their materials .

  2. 苔原的绿色、冰川的灰白和冰雪的中性色与深色形成鲜明对比,营造出一种永恒而宽泛的沉静。

    Of the green of tundra , glacier ashen the neuter color with ice and snow and brunet form bright contrast , build those who give a kind of lasting and wide extensive is calm .