
  • 网络color temperature;colour temperature
  1. 介绍了一种使用溴钨标准灯、烟熏MgO漫反射白板、国家光强度副基准及国家色温度副基准建立(50~500)cdm2亮度水平下光谱辐射亮度标准(380~780)nm的方法。

    A method for realizing the spectral radiance standard with level ( 50 ~ 500 ) cd / m 2 is presented . It is based on the national secondary standards of luminous intensity and color temperature , halogen lamp and white diffusing plate smoked MgO .

  2. 用一个自动的光谱辐射校准系统建立新的国家色温度基准。

    A new automated spectro radiometric calibration system is used to establish the new national primary standard of color temperature .

  3. 推导和分析了相应的3色温度测量模型并提出了一种用BP神经网络计算二维温度场的方法。

    A tri-color thermometry model is developed and analyzed and a method of calculating two-dimensional temperature field by BP neural network is developed .

  4. 从固色温度、色浆pH值、尿素用量等方面,分析了锦纶织物弱酸性染料印花的基本工艺。

    The general printing process of polyamide fabric with weak acid dyes was analyzed from fixing temperature , pH value of color paste and dosage of urea to fixation yield .

  5. 采用尤纳素系列活性染料染真丝绸,探讨了pH值、元明粉用量、固色温度和固色时间等因素对染色效果的影响。

    Silk dyeing with Unisol series dyes are carried out , factors of pH value , sodium sulfate addition , as well as fixation time and temperature on dyeing results are discussed .

  6. 探讨棉/毛混纺织物用B型活性染料一浴染色时元明粉用量、固色温度、染浴pH值对同色性的影响。

    The influence of the amount of Glauber 's salt , fixing temperature , and bath pH on the tone-on-tone effect is investigated when one-bath dyeing of cotton / wool blended fabric is carried out with B type reactive dyes .

  7. 用中心旋转法设计了棉织物用KE型活性染料进行卷染工艺试验,优化出最佳纯碱用量、固色温度、固色时间等工艺条件;

    A central rotatable method is applied to design a process test of jig dyeing with KE reactive dyes for cotton fabrics , thereby optimizing the most favourable process conditions such as alkali dosage , fixation temperature and fixation time .

  8. 苯萃取光度法测定水样中的微量元素磷,最佳显色温度为10℃~35℃,显色时间为10min~15min。

    The trace element phosphorus in a water sample can be measured by photometry of benzene extraction with the developing temperature and time being 10 ~ 35 ℃ and 10 ~ 15min respectively .

  9. 测定总磷中显色温度对显色时间的影响

    Developing Temperature Fluence Developing time During Testing Total Phosphorus

  10. 严格控制杂交温度及显色温度是检测操作的关键。

    The key points are strictly control of temperature both in the hybridization and colour development in the detection .

  11. 光致电离温度比色温度高,它们都随新星亮度的下降而升高。

    Photoionization temperatures are higher than the corresponding colour tempera Lures . They were increasing with the decline of nova brightness .

  12. 选用变色酸分光光度法测定大气中甲醇,显色温度与显色时间有着一定的线性关系。

    We determine carbinol in air with Chromotropic acid spectrophotometry , and found developing temperature and developing time exist certain linear relation .

  13. 研究证实,二次缺陷形成的初始温度,可近似代表辐照绿柱石的最佳热固色温度点。

    The research also indicates that the temperature resulting from the secondary defects may represent approximately the optimum temperature for the thermal color concentration .

  14. 仪表经黑体炉标定,并针对不同金属耙面,研究了四色温度与比色温度的误差。

    The result of the calibration was gived out by the blackbody furnace . The error of four-colour temperature is compared with that of ratio temperature by the experiment on some metal target .

  15. 考察了显色温度、显色时间、吸收波长和显色剂用量等对分析结果的影响,并对此分析方法的精密度、准确度以及检出限量等有关指标进行了探讨。

    Effects of color development temperature , color development time , absorption wavelength and color development reagent content on analysis results were investigated , and precision , accuracy and testing limits were also discussed .

  16. 制作标准曲线时,标样不消解与经过不同消解时间后所得的标准曲线间无显著性差异,因此可省略消解操作步骤:显色温度在15~30℃之间吸光值比较稳定,相关性好;

    In the experiment of doing standard curve , there is no obvious difference whether the distilled water was digestion or not . The best temperature of color reagent stay stable is 15 ~ 30C .

  17. 如果我们把邻近两个波长的观测到的强度比值所确定的色温度当作尘埃的真实温度,那么我们就能够通过近红外的地面观测来研究尘埃的性质(而不要远红外的空间观测)。

    If we take the colour temperature determined by the real temperature of the dust , then we can study the properties of the dust only by means of the near-infrared ground-based observations without need for far-infrared spatial observations .

  18. 同时还发现氨氮空白的升高,可使样品监测结果偏低,显色温度升高,可使样品监测结果偏高。

    It also found gaps in the elevated ammonia , the result will make the result of sample monitoring to be low color , the temperature rises , and it will cause the rise of results of samples monitoring as well .

  19. 结果表明:体系的最大吸收波长λ为551nm,显色反应温度为70℃,反应时间为15min;

    The result of experiment showed that the maximum absorption of the system is 551 nm , the temperature of coloring is 70 ℃, reaction time is 15 min.

  20. 为解决传统热电偶测温法难以实现水泥篦冷机熟料温度场检测的问题,提出了一种基于CCD比色的温度场测量方法。

    In order to realize the measurement of temperature field in cement cooler which conventional measurement method such as thermocouple falls to do , a new method based on CCD colorimetric method was proposed in this paper . By selecting reasonable bandwidths , the measured clinker imaged on array CCD .

  21. 为了给便携式农药残留检测仪研究开发提供温度控制单元的方案,深入研究了环境温度、水浴温度和比色池温度对农药残留检测结果的影响。

    In order to provide a temperature control design for a portable device for determination of organophosphate pesticides residue , the effect of temperature on the determination of organophosphate pesticides residue has been studied in this paper .

  22. 显色反应的温度和时间分别为80℃和10min;

    The temperature and time of appearances of color reaction were 80 ℃ and 10 minutes , respectively .

  23. 研究确定梨枣真空冻干的最佳工艺参数为采用0.2%的Vc护色、搁板温度70℃、枣片厚度3.0mm。

    The research show that the technical parameters of vacuum freeze-dry pear Chinese date are 70 ℃ shelf temperature , 0.3 centimeter thickness , 0.2 % VC to protect colour .

  24. 新型比色式光纤温度测量仪的研究

    Research on a new two-colour ratio pyrometer with optical fiber lind

  25. 最后还分析了一种实际热色效应光纤温度传感器。

    In addition , a practical thermochromatic transducer opticfiber sensor is analysed .

  26. 消耗型光纤比色法钢水温度测量系统

    Consumption optic fiber measuring system for molten water temperature with method of comparing color

  27. 从而利用液晶温色效应获得温度场和高分辨率的对流换热系数等值线谱图形,即传热表面的换热特性。

    Then the high resolution heat transfer coefficient maps and temperature field can be obtained by means of cholesteric liquid crystals which change color with temperature .

  28. 采用真空冷冻干燥技术,探讨了护色、搁板温度、物料厚度等因素对梨枣冻干时间、品质的影响。

    In this paper , we adopt vacuum freeze-dry technique and studied the effect of color preserving , shelf temperature , material weight on freeze-dry time and quality of pear Chinese date .

  29. 采用双色信息重建温度场方法对分割后火焰图像进行温度提取,运用该方法计算温度场简单可行,可以应用于火焰燃烧诊断和分析。

    Using two-color method to acquire the reconstruction of temperature field and to extract the flame temperature , this method of acquiring the temperature is feasible . It can be applied to the diagnosis and analysis of the burning flame .

  30. 使用单色法、比色法、参考温度法,在实验中采用温度分段测量技术。大大降低了实际测量过程中由于CCD引起的饱和误差。

    Combined colorimetric methods brightness method and reference temperature method , the saturation error caused by CCD is cut down significantly .