
  • 网络COLORED SPUN YARN;melange yarn
  1. 含荧光染料的色纺纱是指将经过荧光染料染色后的纤维与其他有色纤维混色后纺成的纱。

    Colored spun yarn containing fluorescent dyes means the yarn composed of fluorescence dyeing fiber and and other colorful fiber .

  2. 小比例色纺纱质量控制体会

    Experience of Quality Control about Small Proportion Colored Spun Yarn

  3. WRC-965型胶辊在色纺纱中的应用实践

    Application of Cot WRC-965 in Color Spinning

  4. 苎麻棉色纺纱的生产实践

    The Production Practice of Coloured Fibres Blended with Ramie and Cotton

  5. 色纺纱单流程开清棉工艺实践

    Technology Practice of Single Circulation Opening Cleaning of Colored Spun Yarn

  6. 纯棉色纺纱的生产工艺与管理

    A preliminary discussion on spinning process and control for pure cotton melange yarn

  7. 控制低比例纯涤纶色纺纱外观质量的体会

    Experiences of Controlling Appearance Quality of Lower Proportion Pure Polyester Colored Spun Yarn

  8. 色纺纱配色是色纺纱生产过程中的关键步骤。

    Color matching is a key process in the production of colored spun yarn .

  9. 色纺纱线在棉针织行业的需求正逐年上升,发展前景看好。

    Color-spun yarn enjoys increasing demand in the cotton knitting sector and good market prospects .

  10. 小比例色纺纱的外观质量比内在质量更加重要。

    The appearance quality is more important than inner quality of small proportion colored spun yarn .

  11. 对棉和低比例羊绒混色纺纱的生产工艺进行了探讨,并提出了生产工艺要点与技术措施。

    In the paper is discussed the mixture spinning technology of cotton and cashmere with low proportion , and pointed out essentials and measures of technology .

  12. 主要介绍了芳砜纶纤维、羊毛纤维的染色工艺,两种染色纤维混色纺纱的工艺流程,以及成纱的质量指标。

    In the paper are mainly introduced the dyeing technology of PSA and wool fibers , the spinning process flow of the two blended dyed fibers and the formed yarn quality index .

  13. 介绍了新流程的工艺配置,并对三种流程的设备投资成本进行了对比分析,认为新流程有利于提高色纺纱混和质量并且节约设备投资。

    Technology configuration of new circulation was introduced , and equipment investment cost of three kind circulations were compared . The result shows that new circulation can enhance colored yarn blending quality and save equipment investment .

  14. 拥有国内领先的绢纺生产线,年产绢丝800吨,主要品种有60-210支各种规格的中高档桑蚕绢丝以及各类混纺纱、色纺纱、色纱等。

    Its annual production reach800T for the spun silk , which main products are in60-210 yarns for the middle and high grade silkworm spun silk , various blended yarn , fiber dyed yarn , color yarn , etc.