
  1. 这一个小山,从前有一个米色的考色鸟常来光顾。一些浅色的,灰色或米黄。

    A cream-coloured courser had used to visit this hill . Something light . Grey or beige .

  2. 有着短粗而健壮的腿和喙的黑白色滨鸟;食牡蛎等。

    Black-and-white shorebird with stout legs and bill ; feed on oysters etc. .

  3. 长长尾巴黑白色的鸟,叫起来叽叽喳喳。

    Long-tailed black-and-white bird that utters a chattering call .

  4. 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、黑白色的涉水鸟。

    Long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons .

  5. 美国南部和古巴长有象牙喙的大型黑白色啄木鸟;几乎已灭绝。

    Large black-and-white woodpecker of southern United States and Cuba having an ivory bill ; nearly extinct .

  6. 基本上,公、母鸟羽色不同的鸟种并不会完全灭绝,因为某地区的鸟儿一旦消失,即刻会有其他的同种鸟儿从邻近地方补充进来。

    Two-toned birds in general don 't go completely extinct , because as soon as one species vanishes from a neighborhood , other colorful ones take its place .

  7. 它们是澳大利亚羽色最鲜艳的鸟。

    They are the most vividly coloured birds in australia .

  8. 蓝知更鸟有时也叫兰色红襟知更鸟,这是因为它们与红襟知更鸟有许多相似之处。

    The bluebird is sometimes called a blue robin because it 's like the robin in some ways .