
  1. 在青少年电视剧(以及书籍)史上隐藏最好的秘密之一,绯闻女孩的身份终于将在第六季即最后一季的CW剧中(哥伦比亚华纳公司电视剧)被揭开。

    One of the best-kept secrets in teenage television ( and book ) history , the identity of Gossip Girl will finally be revealed in the sixth and final season of the CW drama .

  2. 论文第六章即专门研究这个问题。

    Chapter VI is devoted papers examine the issue .

  3. 我将于下个星期六,即19&年5月20日新开设一男用服装店。

    I am opening a new shop in men 's wear next Saturday , 20th may , 19 - .

  4. 犹太教徒和一些基督教派认为,星期六,即一周的第七天,是休息和礼拜的日子。

    The seventh day of the week , Saturday , observed as the day of rest and worship by the Jews and some Christian sects .

  5. 民国又是历史上一个比较特殊的时期,革旧布新,整个社会发生了很多变化,第六章即是对消费变迁的分析。

    Republic is a special period in the history of , leathery old cloth new society as a whole lot has changed , Chapter VI Consumer changes .

  6. 这种关系与情谊同样适用于第六伦即团体与个人之间。堪称伦理思想者,当有指认依据在。

    This kind of relation and feeling is also applicable to the sixth ethics between groups and individuals . Those who can be rated as ethical thoughts should have evidence for identification .

  7. 第六部分即为结语,回应了对网络翻译的质疑,探讨了网络翻译可能对出版社产生的影响和启示。

    The sixth part , also the conclusion , answers doubts or questions about the on-line translation , and discusses possible impact and insight the publishing house could get from the on-line translation .

  8. 第六章即结论,论文强调原真性原则不是一个僵化、绝对的原则,将其拓展到历史城镇保护中,必须注意它在社会发展中的灵活应用。

    Chapter six namely the conclusion , it is not a rigid , absolute principle that the thesis puts forward the authenticity principle , expand it to the historical cities and towns while protecting , must pay attention to its flexible application in the social development .

  9. 后者则对前端编译器生成的中间代码进行解释执行,且系统运行时DML触发器扩展为六元组,即ECA模型。

    The later executes the intermediate code created by former compiler . The DML trigger is extended into the ECA model when system is running .

  10. 如今六年转眼即逝,在我为国家队效力的95场比赛里,有58场我是以队长身份出场的。

    Now almost six years later , having been captain for 58 of my 95 caps ,

  11. 中国第六代电影即新生代电影导演也不乏对于空间叙事的尝试。

    Sixth Generation of Chinese film that is also no lack of new generation of film directors try to space narrative .

  12. 并在第六章,即最后一章中,提出了本研究对于重庆市未来社区游泳建设的建议。

    In the sixth chapter of the last quarter , the paper provides some constructive advises for constructing the future natatorium in Chongqing communities .

  13. 语用意义可分为六类,即言外之力、隐含意义、修辞意义、所指意义、情感内涵及言外效果。

    The subcategories of pragmatic meaning are : illocutionary force , implicate meaning , figurative meaning , reference , emotional tone , and perlocutionary effect .

  14. 从语义结构上看,英语名词性隐喻的翻译方法有六种,即:不改变喻体;

    There are six kinds of methods of translation about noun metaphor from the point of the view of semantic structure : keep the target ;

  15. 之后的第六部分,即9-11事件对英语影响之调查代表着英语词汇的最新发展。

    The following part , namely , Part VI : the event of 9-11 and its impact on vocabulary symbolizes the latest development of modern English vocabulary .

  16. “六纵”即科韵路、科木塱南路、大观路-环城高速、珠吉路、茅岗路、丰乐路。

    " six vertical " that Keyun Road , Section Wood Long Road , Grand View Road-Beltway , Zhuji Road , Maogang Road , Fung Lok Road .

  17. 周日上午,北京市中心监测站的空气质量指数达到六级,即严重污染最高级。

    On Sunday morning , the air quality index ( AQI ) at monitoring stations in the city 's downtown areas was at Level 6 , the highest level indicating hazardous pollution .

  18. 第三章通过细致观察又提出六个模式即提问回答型、经验号召型、经验评价型、声明陈述型、模拟对话型和直陈清单型模式;

    Chapter III presents through further observation several other textual patterns which function in advertisements , i.e. the Question-Answer pattern , the Experience-Call to Action pattern , the Experience-Evaluation pattern , the Announcement-Statement pattern , the Simulated Dialogue pattern and Straight-Line Copy List .

  19. 根据多年生产实践的经验,阐述了安全管理要坚持六化,即宣传教育经常化,执行制度严格化,安全责任全员化,岗位责任明确化,检查整改实在化,资料管理规范化。

    Some experience in safety control based on years ' practice is presented herein , namely regularity of publicity and education , strict enforcement of rules and regulations , safety consciousness of all staff , clarification of post responsibilities , careful examination and practical improvement and standardization of references keeping .

  20. 成功的外贸函电写作必须遵循六C原则:即清楚、简洁、正确、礼貌、完整和会话的语调。

    There are six " C " principles that must be followed , namely ," clearness , conciseness , correctness , courtesy , completeness and conversational tone " .

  21. 利用Dixon结式给出了解决一类二簧系统力的逆分析的新方法,利用该方法,可方便地得到一个关于弹簧位置角度的一元六次方程,即封闭形式的解。

    Using Dixon ′ s resultant principle , a new method for solving inverse force analysis of a planar two spring system is presented .

  22. 论文一共分为六个部分,即引言、项目式学习的理论认识、适合PBL的主题学习网站的设计、基于主题学习网站的PBL的实现、案例设计、问题与讨论。

    This thesis consists of six chapters , about the introduction , the cognition about the theory of project-based learning , the design and development of subject learning website , the combination of project-based learning and subject learning website , cases analyzed simply , problem and discussion .

  23. 武汉市民间组织主要有六个特征,即以会员制组织为主且组织规模差异较大;

    They have six characteristics .

  24. 自公告之日起满六个月,即视为送达。

    They will be considered served six months from the date of the posting of the public notice .

  25. 三年来,二道区社区建设进行的工作主要体现在六个方面:即成立了组织机构;合理划定了社区;

    In these 3 years , Er'dao District community construction is mainly in 6 aspects : founding an organization ;

  26. 利奇提出了礼貌原则,并将其分为六个准则,即策略准则、慷慨准则、赞扬准则、谦虚准则、一致准则和同情准则。

    They are tact maxim , generosity maxim , approbation maxim , modesty maxim , agreement maxim and sympathy maxim .

  27. 本文提出了有关公共行政人员的六种德性,即公共利益至上、慎用权力、责任本位、反思平衡、合理服从和自我节制。

    It includes six parts : public interest paramountcy , carefully-used power , reasonable obedience , reflective balance , responsibility-standard and self-control .

  28. 通过验证性因素分析得出明清晋商组织管理的因素结构包括六个维度,即w1:唯才是举、任人唯贤;

    The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure included 6 dimensionalities : w1 : Selecting and appointing those talented people for use ;

  29. 民族理论创新、政策创新和制度创新的主要内容体现在六个方面,即对民族问题本质的认识;

    The content of innovation in ethnic theories , policies and regulations mainly reflects in six aspects : the cognition to the essence of ethnic issues ;

  30. 三级构造地貌有六种类型,即断陷冲积平原、掀斜冲积平原、火山锥、断层谷、侵入岩丘陵和拱曲高地。

    The third class includes taphrogenic and alluvial plain , tilted and alluvial plain , volcanic cone , fault valley , intruded rock hills and hog-back highland .