
  1. 而对于六小龄童本人来说,他表示,自己随时可以登台表演。

    For himself , the actor says he is always ready to appear on the stage .

  2. 是的,很多时候,我们也会像六小龄童一样,有找不到锣鼓点的感觉。

    Yes , very often , we would like the same as the six younger children , there can not find the feeling of gongs point .

  3. 特别是孙悟空的扮演者六小龄童,成为了中国观众心中的经典角色。

    In particular , the portrayal of the Monkey King by actor Liu Xiao Ling Tong became an exemplary formula-like classic in the minds of many Chinese viewers .

  4. 根据中国生肖传统,因为2016年是猴年,所以许多人认为六小龄童应该是参演春晚的必备人选。

    Many believe that Liu Xiao Ling Tong should be a must for the Spring Festival Gala , as 2016 was the Year of Monkey , according to the Chinese Zodiac sign .

  5. 原美猴王扮演者六小龄童,以及猪八戒扮演者马德华已经确定参演新剧

    Liu Xiao Ling Ting , who previously portrayed the Monkey King , and Ma , who acted as Zhu Bajie the pig , have been confirmed to act in the new film .

  6. 演员章金莱,或者是艺名更为人们所熟知的“六小龄童”,近日否认了自己的节目被中央电视台春节晚会所毙的传言。

    Actor Zhang Jinlai , or more well-known with his stage name of " Liu Xiao Ling Tong , " has denied rumors that his performance was canceled at the Spring Festival gala staged by CCTV .