
  1. 本文对中国轻纺城较大宾馆的废水进行了COD与BOD的测定,对两者相关性进行了研究,对其回归方程作了方差分析及相关系数的显著性检验。

    Based on the monitoring data of wastewater COD and BOD in the large hotels of China Texitile City , the correlation between COD and BOD was analysed in this paper .

  2. 组织的镶嵌、链接和整合&中国轻纺城地方商会个案分析

    A Case Study of Local Chamber of Commerce in China Textile City

  3. 市场转型和升级:中国轻纺城发展的战略选择

    Market Transformation and Upgrade : a Strategic Choice for the Development of China Textiles City

  4. 关于构建网上中国轻纺城纺织大市场的战略思考

    Strategies on Constructing an Expansive Textile Market for " China Textile City " on the Web

  5. 基坑开挖施工技术实践&以中国轻纺城国际贸易中心为例

    Application of Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Construction Technology & Take International Trade Center of China Light and Textile Industry City for Example

  6. 论越文化对地方商会发展的影响&以中国轻纺城商会为例

    The Impact of Yue Culture on the Development of Local Commerce Chambers & Case Study on the Commerce Chamber in China Textile City

  7. 我公司位于中国轻纺城,得天独厚的贸易氛围和优越的周边面料生产环境让我司在这块土地上如鱼得水,茁壮发展。

    My company is located in the China Textile City , abundant trade and superior atmosphere surrounding environment for the production of fabrics in Division I came home , healthy development .

  8. 绍兴中国轻纺城为绍兴轻纺集群内的企业提供一个可共享的销售平台,成为当地产业集群发展的重要保证。

    China Light Textile Industrial City of Shaoxing provides a sharable marketing platform for the small mid enterprises in the local industrial cluster , which gives a great support to the development of the local industrial cluster .